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About Machinist

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Community Answers

  1. Selling lineage 2 package

  2. Selling Lineage 2 Packs ( optional - i can create server as you want )

  3. Have you configured your mysql ? Is a very important thing in order to avoid latency with default configurations you can handle @200 players
  4. Check the table with values here possible some row missing or maybe you have to many rows... or the order in your sql is different than table order
  5. Forum is underconstruction right now, will be available soon
  6. I'm pretty sure he doesn't use l2jserver, so in order to become GM on kind of pack i though he using he should add his char ID on xml
  7. Why don't you add a condition inside java, will be more easy, also your conditions for XML you should found them inside java too. A search inside will always help you, make a search for an already known condition
  8. he can use no-ip to login even from local host, so i can bet he will wanna put the server online, so better for him to use no-ip in l2.ini
  9. Only external on both sides should be your external ip and thats mean your " no-ip " for internal put, ports keep default in l2.ini put your no-ip
  10. Can you check please your console you should get an error.
  11. Thats mean you have added wrong password
  12. If you know to create a db scrip then, you have to be sure your computer with database have port 3306 allowed in firewall for outside connection then in your db conection script you have to enter ip of computer user / pass...
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