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About cmec

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  1. wanna buy dark elf yul 99 with sub dagger or iss 97+ (can be 99/99) without any gear if possible active reflect on low gun (but not necessary) paying paypal or adena pm offers here or skype:ccmecc
  2. no offence but isnt it funny when ingame price of adena is ~2.5kk =1$
  3. 5 star business man :) trusted
  4. replied, add skype will be faster to find me
  5. dominator 99 110 eu, with subs 99/80/80 i know u dont care but if u find u need it pm
  6. how much u offer for tali hunter and frinteza soul neck+4?
  7. blessed specter dual sword+9+hp+300atri blessed seraph hvy set+6+full atri +vesper noble appearance r95 dual dagers+4+300+sa iss 99/sub spoiler 99/80/80 (homu+conversion+active reflect for oly) +tali anihilation (yellow one) - 80€ sold aq ring+6 (no soul on it) - 65€ sold soul frinteza +4 - 110€ sold octavis ring - 85€ sold istina earring - 75€ sold tallisman hunter - 70€ sold pm or skype: ccmecc with offers p.s. i dont give first accepting only paypal € or $
  8. Selling account: Server: Core Class: ISS Dominator / Othel Bounty hunter (sub) level : 99/99/80/80 equip: Blessed 95 hvy set+6 (vesper noble appearance) full atri Blessed 95 dualsword+9+hp+300 Soul Tezza Necklase +4 Istina Earring +4 Octavis Ring +3 aq ring +6 Hunter Talisman (p atk/matk +231/ m evasion +7/ atributes resistance +15/ debuff resistance +13%/ p/m critical rate +13%/ recieved crit dmg and skill dmg in pvp -15%) Talisman Anihilation (3rd (yellow)) Bound Dualdagers 95 +4+300 single sa low weapon with augments: active reflect, active vampiric rage (usefull against light armor/robe wielders) 10 istina crystals on char +some toons in same acc 85 lvl (free gear, just for zaken farm) +box diferent acc 95 lvl wynn/85 yul sub ( for octavis/istina in 1pt) (+some toons on same acc 85 lvl for zaken farm) skype: ccmecc icq: 621-836-601
  9. bump, still for sale
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