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Everything posted by xShady91l
Hello, folks u know how is hard to get PBE acc at lol so i decide to sell my its 2-3 years old.. shortly just got everything :) price is 20$ only paypal is accepted :) its is final price and if u are not interested just don't spam ty :) and please no post like wtf this price lol omg crazy this kind if u wish so go and register for PBE and wait like 7-8 months to be approved :) pm here on private or skype daredevil_1991_ have a nice day :)
hahah dude u made my day i have been played for a while.. before i leave becouse in first day of server there was whole party russians with 85++ characters mentoring for 150-200 TOD well they are not donators they only bought few ToD's like premium runes, premium account, xp rune and all other shts which cost many money if u wanna be good and at first place's at this server u have to buy ToDs for premium service they are even not real no where shows that u got premium only get 1 stuped 3 headed dragon,,, which every 24 hours give u egg... :D :D i asked from GM prove that i'm premium cuz my CP buy me a 1 month premium and i only got a dragon cuz when u got premium ur level bar for example is shining and there is nothing even in web account does not show that u are premium like u are giving them money for free ... so they can get feed up.. only runes give bonus all here is fake for money i'm sure this server first 2 days make more than 5k $ have fun players Pay2Win or Pay2Play... what ever u wanna call it :) have fun you'll never see me again in ur stuped servers :) this my opinion we live in free world every one can say what he's opinion have fun don't judge me :)
- 64 replies
idk what is this share but if u take icon.utx from ertheia even... and u put it at h5 it work perfectly and voala.. u got all icon till ertheia.. dude no need custom :D
Help Multisell Problem
xShady91l replied to xShady91l's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
well which part u didn't read? :D [bG] Ташак ли си праиш :D :D with id of my gm shop and nothing again when i remove npc code multisell works for once when i reload not working anymore even if i restart server it not working -
Help Multisell Problem
xShady91l replied to xShady91l's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
soo is that so simple ? cuz my multisell is called 30001.xml do you think i would let so stupid mistake and ask help for it ? :D -
Hello guys long time ago i don't have work with servers and i started again but L2J (h5) made any strange changes and i can't get how make multisell work normal well i realize that they add restriction for npc <npcs> <npc>30731</npc> <!-- Martin (Pet Manager) --> </npcs> this is example xml with ID:1000 i also realize that they made ID limit 65535 so when i start to make my custom gm shop i made some multisell with id less than 65535 and when i try to use them in my gm shop i got error [08/11 12:57:27] MultisellData: can't find list id: 30001 requested by player: Shady, npcId:80003 i try to change this code <npcs> <npc>30731</npc> <!-- Martin (Pet Manager) --> </npcs> with id of my gm shop and nothing again when i remove npc code multisell works for once when i reload not working anymore even if i restart server it not working i try many many things to try to make it work if any one get solution or find out how multisell working properly please tell me ty
loool haha thnx dude this thing never come to my mind to do it lol :D thnx
Download UTXViewer get icon.utx from interlude open it with UTXViewer and voala.. :D u got all icons and name everything ot just download l2dialog maneger there all icons extracted till h5 if i'm not wrong :)
hello guys, long time ago i saw a program which show for example Weapon.grp in tables and was more easy to work than with L2FileEditor is any one remember it ? i can't find it in seach :/ thnx in advance :)
Code New Cb Gk For "mobius Lindvior Project"
xShady91l posted a topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
Hello, folks yesterday i found this project and today i'm working on it who know's i may make mid rate pvp server something but till then i make some changes at community boards thats my Gatekeeper wich i make today :) i will share it with u and moderatos if like it hope will commit it :) enjoy it :) Download rar file from 4shared and extrack it at: Lineage2GoD\gameserver\data\html\scripts\services\communityPvP\pages //reload - htmls and enjoy :) http://4shared.com/rar/dVPmaXPece/teleport.html AdFly link: http://adf.ly/sF2yJ Hope u will click it alot more than regular link this will support me to continue my work ty :) Credits to me xMrShadyx if u reshare it keep proper credits ty :) You can find mobius project here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/148824-mobius-project-god/?hl=mobius Forum: http://mobius.great-forum.com Server sources: http://mobius-source....com/svn/trunk/ Geodata and tools: http://mobius-geo.go....com/svn/trunk/ Timeline for Mobius-source: https://code.google....rce/source/list have fun hope u like it :) -
Discussion Lineage 2: Valiance Discussion
xShady91l replied to xShady91l's topic in General Discussion [English]
hope soon we will see now race or character something ... :D we should suggest to l2 developers to make race Hobbits :D :D :D :D -
Hello guys i'm here ask about your opinion about next update Lineage 2 Valiance sure there is things which i didn't like mostly like "Skill Tree" which they think to insert into game :S i hope this isn't cool for you or some of u may like it, i don't know if they try to copy kind of style of LoL but i hope not and hope this would be kind of bonus to characters like Class Certificate but even with this skill tree if this is kind of bonus to current classes they will get even more op from now i don't know what kind of game that will happen Crash of the Gods ? :D idk but the mostly thing i like is http://www.lineage2.com/valiance/ check this link out at Skills the human hair style its amazing best i ever have seem only this hair style can make me play human again huhu at this site u can find more about Lineage 2 Valiance let me know what you think and thnx Sry for my bad english :) P.S. And also they return few old bosses :P Darion/Beleth/Lilith/Anakim i would like to see them again :)
Guide How To Add Custom Npc On Tauti [Video+Text]
xShady91l replied to xShady91l's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
its regular laptop :D this yellow icon is aim player not installing halo :D -
Guide How To Add Custom Npc On Tauti [Video+Text]
xShady91l posted a topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
hello my frends on this tutorial i will show you how to add Custom NPC on Tauti Server i'm using Allengc File Editor which can be found here: Allengc File Editor and pack L2jeuropa which can be found here: L2JEuropa Credits for FileEditor is to Allengc and for Project is to vegax987 First u need to create a new file in data/xml/npc or u can use one which exist but sould have space for more npc's there id's are from X to 99 like for example 60000-60099 there can be found npc with id from 6000 to 60099 if u wanna npc with id 60100 u should make a new file with name 60100-60199 so now lets start edit your file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "npc.dtd"> <list> </list> this text should be in ur file i forgot to say that we should save it at type xml: 6000-60099.xml other wise it will not work then between this 2 lines <list> and </list> we will add your own npc wich start with code <npc> and end at this code </npc> Example: <npc id="60000" name="Test" title="MaxCheaters"> <set name="aggroRange" value="0"/> <set name="ai_type" value="CharacterAI"/> <set name="baseAtkRange" value="40"/> <set name="baseCON" value="75"/> <set name="baseCritRate" value="40"/> <set name="baseDEX" value="41"/> <set name="baseHpMax" value="4228"/> <set name="baseHpRate" value="1.0"/> <set name="baseHpReg" value="7.5"/> <set name="baseINT" value="42"/> <set name="baseMAtk" value="470"/> <set name="baseMAtkSpd" value="333"/> <set name="baseMDef" value="217"/> <set name="baseMEN" value="20"/> <set name="baseMpMax" value="1345.8"/> <set name="baseMpReg" value="2.7"/> <set name="basePAtk" value="689"/> <set name="basePAtkSpd" value="253"/> <set name="basePDef" value="296"/> <set name="baseRunSpd" value="120"/> <set name="baseSTR" value="78"/> <set name="baseShldDef" value="0"/> <set name="baseShldRate" value="0"/> <set name="baseWIT" value="78"/> <set name="baseWalkSpd" value="50"/> <set name="castle_id" value="1"/> <set name="collision_radius" value="40.0"/> <set name="collision_height" value="26.0"/> <set name="level" value="70"/> <set name="rewardExp" value="0"/> <set name="rewardRp" value="0"/> <set name="rewardSp" value="0"/> <set name="shots" value="NONE"/> <set name="type" value="Merchant"/> <skills> <skill id="4416" level="18"/> <!--Dwarves--> </skills> <attributes> <defence attribute="fire" value="150"/> <defence attribute="water" value="150"/> <defence attribute="wind" value="150"/> <defence attribute="earth" value="150"/> <defence attribute="holy" value="150"/> <defence attribute="unholy" value="150"/> </attributes> </npc> <npc id="60000" name="Test" title="MaxCheaters"> this is our first line there is npc's ID name and title and we should make how we want this is our first npc and id should be first one if ur file name is 5000-5099 npc id would be 5000 like for first one then you change the name which will show in game and title then we have to change our <set name="collision_radius" value="40.0"/> <set name="collision_height" value="26.0"/> this 2 lines have to be exacly same as our tamplate which we are using if they are not same npc cloud be at air or even worse intro ground its look ugly :D when radius and height are same ur npc will be at ground normal how to have to be :P now we have to select npc type <set name="type" value="Merchant"/> it can be any type Monster/Teleporter i don't know all types here u have to check then by ur self at this xml fails u can find every thing this is most importnant things for server side now we have to make some changes at client side becouse there too much diffrence from server to server before there was navicat u put ur npc inside make 1-2 htm fails and u are done but now its bit harder u need file editor from Allengc which i'm using u can find link for it at the top of topic then u need to open npcgrp.dat then find ur template line/id copy whole line and put it at the end and do not forgot to remove all empty spaces there should be no any empty space after line becouse file editor will give you error like for example: 60000 LineageMonster7.orbis_arena_beast LineageMonsters7.orbis_arena_beast_m00 2 LineageMonstersTex6.orbis_arena_beast.orbis_arena_beast_t00 LineageMonstersTex6.orbis_arena_beast.orbis_arena_beast_t01 0 4 4416 3 5467 1 1.00000000 0 0 5 MonSound.Hit_Normal_7 MonSound.Hit_Metal_5 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 MonSound.Hit_Metal_1 MonSound.Hit_Metal_14 3 MonSound15.orbis_arena_beast_dmg_1 MonSound15.orbis_arena_beast_dmg_2 MonSound15.orbis_arena_beast_dmg_3 0 0 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 0 50.00000000 250.00000000 50.00000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1.00000000 a, 0 then u go to npcname.dat there u should add ur npc name and it should be at last line w/o any free spaces after it Example: 60000 a,test\0 a, 9C E8 A9 -1 now when u done all this u are almost ready u have to restart your Client and Server to Accept new changes when u done login to server and spawn your npc and it will be there visible and usable what left you to do is to add some htm fails at default folder Video Guide: and on end of all, all credits for this guide is mine FileEditor Credits Allengc L2jeuropa project credits to vegax987 and i'm sorry for my bad english i hope u understand something :D this guide is for newbies please pro developers don't judge me :S :D -
Tool L2Fileedit Lindvior & Valiance (Ddfs) Updated
xShady91l replied to Allengc's topic in Client Development Discussion
gj :) thnx for share