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Everything posted by xxemilxx3

  1. Can't see the the weapons *All the other items works fine. I Checked data/html/Merchant/ 53-6 (which is the NPC weapon info) and it's send me to Multisell 9124 as usual.. I checked data/multisell/9124 (weapons) and everything seems right.. as far as I know.. I tried to bring other NPC but It had the same problem - can't buy S grade weapon. asking for you help how to fix it. __________ Interlude. Using l2jfrozen packet. Using coded GM-shop. (altough the other gm didn't worked too - he wasn't coded)
  2. do you keep updating the file links? I mean I see in the TimeLine that you fixed some problems with the packet so I'm asking if those files in the link are upadated?
  3. downloaded to check it... so far so good.. what kind of imports do you use for the npc's in this project?
  4. to SweeTs 1.Done thank you! 2.Done thank you! 3.what to do? Could you tell me where to go and what to check ? stats/Skills?
  5. to SweeTs: 1.I went there this is the message I got= so here what to change? 2.I found out the place of the Button of tattoos so here is the quote: To delete all of this? 3.I don't know if worng script or dont but when I press the buff Cov or magnus (And Po buffs too) it's doing nothing it's only take my 100 adena away others buffs work good but only this is not. 4.I'll try to find it.
  6. Problems: 1.Main town is not what I want + Farm zone 1. -Fixed 2.Some Items in GMshop I don't want them. -Fixed 3.Buffs Cov,Magnus & Po Buffs not working (when I click on them it's only take from me adena and not giving the buff) 4.Vote system. Please help= 1.how to change main town to aden town? and how to change Farm zone 1 to Ketra? - Fixed 2.How to delete from GMshop the button of Tattoos. -Fixed 3.How to fix Cov Magnus and Po Buffs? 4.Need guide for vote system. (how to make etc.) Fixed= 1.Fixed thanks to SweeTs. 2.Fixed thanks to SweeTs. 3.Not Fixed (Still need help) If need more information please write here and I'll provide. *Interlude, Packet L2Equal.
  7. pff nice commuinity all was I asking to solve those problems...it's more I need a dev only for those jobs then he free to go. and I bet you all started like me so who you to tell me to aban my idea why you care If I make server? you don't help so please don't come to this topic.
  8. Could you explain yourself? what is my standarts? how I can fix it?
  9. yes indeed: "importing custom data" fail to import quest: 9999_NPCbuffer"
  10. I added this as buffers as many guides showed up. first Data files then I use navicat on SQL file. then I added the .py (what inside him "99999_NPCbuffer.py" something like that) to jscripts because my scripts is empty. that's it. but still not working
  11. I'm actually done those things but there were some fails in the way so I want someone who has the expirence with this. *I need Buffer (Removing some buffs,To make the buffer work) *GK (Changing & Creating new Spots) *GMshop (a Special Shop needed for votes and Donate coins) *Bug fixing (minor buggs that I found in the server) That's it.
  12. Hello guys.. I'm trying to add NPC buffer to my server but so far nothing works most of the NPC buffers shares are not successful with Navicat *I'm using L2Jserver packet. already added GK and GMshop but somehow I can't add normally buffer I succeeded with 2 buffers but I couldn't use them for some reason. Here is my problem: What I did worng? what to change? Please help thank you!
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