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Everything posted by iBasil

  1. That,or farm Anzus which are soloable with 100% chance to drop silver.
  2. I am "ignorant" because the server is up for 4 days and he's able to make a full impression of the server and its balance on pvp.Besides that,it's clear that he's looking for a server to farm for 1 day and get full gear.That's not the case on L2nexus,so i dont really care if he likes that or not.Surely most people dont wanna play on a server that is gonna last a week or so.
  3. There are 4 anzu spawning around the Hyena zone.If you really wanna kill them,camp them.
  4. I am not sure if you even tried the server at all.
  5. Anzu,a mini boss,drops silver with 100% chance.If you're good enough,you can solo that.With 2 silvers you can get dynasty weapon.With 5 you're almost ready to get dynasty armor.Ofc,you're not gonna solo that mini boss without at least +20 Tier 1 armor/weap (which are extremely easy to make).
  6. Take a breath,put some commas and let me explain this for you.So far,i've farmed about 20 silvers ALONE (+2-3 silvers with a party).Till now,i didnt even need to leave the first farm zone,but i got to get some mats from the 2nd zone ALTHOUGH i can get those mats JUST BY MYSELF.If you're so stupid not to be able to find out how to farm,then dont bother joining the server. To everybody else who is looking for a custom WORTH-TRYING l2 server,be my guests.
  7. Probably didnt even NOTICE that the FIRST FARM ZONE is the one that people go to farm SOLO. Just another shitty comment filled with misinformation. If anyone want to check if what i'm saying is true or not,just check out the server.You won't regret it.
  8. Check out L2nexus,its coming soon and it seems pretty promising. I,atleast, hope so.
  9. the bad thing is that when a server like OvC is not greatly advirtised on its G.O.,newcomers just cant handle those who use A or even S. a wipe would only help give anyone, who learnt about the server too late, the chance to play fairly.
  10. Would you mind explaining this to us ?
  11. You shouldnt have stopped the developing of this project for the sake of the other one in the first place.But since you did it and while it seems like it didnt really work,we'll be waiting for you to get on with this one hopefully that people still are willing to join.I would ask for an ETA,but whats the point after the "thing" with the previous ones...
  12. You shouldnt give any promises at all.You did the same thing with ETAs 2-3 times and oh well,its 15 of November...
  13. Why do you wanna have 100 servers similar to each other ? "really" now...
  14. This server is something new.Its like half mid and half high rate.You can get elegia items within 1-2 hours of farm but you cant enchant them fully without spending some time party farming.Boss jewels are not available on shop too,but elegia are. So as you can see,its something new and fresh.I recommend this server because of all these and because the owner can spend/has spent time on it to improve it further. Gl & hf.
  15. I've tried creating an account on your forums to see the updates and all the stuff,but it seems like the validation request is not being sent to my hotmail account.I tried resending it about 7-8 times.I even asked a friend of mine,who we are playing together with,to try it.Nothing worked.Any help here ?
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