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Everything posted by XaioXaio

  1. well u "maybe" know what im talking about but in my first post its mentioned that it works only for l2j servers ... mostly fixed , mainly depends on the server admin if he cares about server or donations ...
  2. well it would be pointless if every one would hide their posts by that low of a number , sure it would avoid the spamm in most cases .by pointless i mean like anyone could just register an account and read it , ppl would stop sharing things . so the post count is a nice motivation for the members of this forum , if u want to see this before "an admin of a server wants to see and fix this bug on his server" then donate before he does it or share something , if u don't know any exploits theres allot more places u can do something like making some guides/turtorials etc. in L2 General disscusion or do some client mods . btw the post onpage 5 was edited again , and it was also tested so im sure it works ... also for the ones interested in my future server i think ill open a "demo beta" (before the official beta) test server on my pc soon (thought i think there will be like 10 ppl withound lags ) just for the looks and to cheak if theres any bugs/mistakes in what i made so far , thought i haven't got any new skills made yet ... those who are interested priv msg me and ill contact u when i have all done (except skills) ill send u the patch for it (i think it will be hellbound) so look up to it
  3. XaioXaio

    ANIME !!

    try Code Geass btw. i like more about the gory/bloody types of anime like :hellsing , elfenlied , berserk etc...
  4. well i edited the script on page 4 should be working now
  5. var a:array[1..100] of string; i,n:integer; id,getitem,openpet,useitem,pet,enchant :string; begin //Item id need to be captured.For example from UseItem packet id:=hstr('03 01 1A 10'); useitem:=hstr('14')+id+hstr('00 00 00 00'); pet:=hstr('8B')+id+hstr('01 00 00 00'); enchant:=hstr('58')+id; //openpet need to be captured:RequestBypassToServer openpet:=hstr('8C 03 01 1A 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); getitem:=hstr('8C')+id+hstr('01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); if (fromclient) and (pck=hstr('1B 02 00 00 00 ')) then begin buf:=getitem; sendtoserver; buf:=openpet; sendtoserver; end; if (fromclient) and (pck=hstr('1B 03 00 00 00 ')) then begin buf:=useitem; sendtoserver; buf:=pet; sendtoserver; buf:=pet; sendtoserver; buf:=enchant; sendtoserver; end; end. so there it is , didn't test this script yet (its for pet) so pls take a look on it and tell me if it works . if not ill fix it how to use : copy it to phx ---> scripts , replace the ID in the lines with : 03 01 1A 10' be sure u target the pet and be close to it . if u wanna speed it up a little u can add GetItemFromPet (8C i think ) to packet send , set send evry to 1000 and enable it (this way it will take the item from pet inventory to your automatically every 1 second ) so gave fun and good luck (this isn't 100% but its sure around 96% ) when i get some time ill try to make the trade or sell to dupe or enchant (working) edit:alright thx for info , the script has been edited so try again EDIT:15.06.2008 well another try , i was in game and worked for me , below this message is the script i used (only the important part) and if i look on the script above its basically the same , theres nothing wrong with the script , and Inapropriate/enchant failed (withound crystals) is also part of the enchanting ... if those thisgs won't appear in the chat while u enchant means either u have the wrong ID , or some misstakes with the enchanting form in game (be close to your pet ,"" NOT a summon "" put the weapon in pets inventory marked as "items" (in game when u open pet stats etc...) and take out the weapon (this step is only to be sure) keep it on target , open enchant and use social victory , no matter if u stand or sit .) if it still won't work on some servers (like l2core) u can't use pet inventory as hero , make a new char in that case . avoid the lags (example zarich drop ) , and u are sure to get +25 with a few hundreds of scrolls . if the weapon break at the very start means it doesn't work on that server , or u replaced the wrong lines in the script . the part i used on my last try begin //Item id need to be captured.For example from UseItem packet id:=hstr('4B 1A 33 10'); useitem:=hstr('14')+id+hstr('00 00 00 00'); pet:=hstr('8B')+id+hstr('01 00 00 00'); enchant:=hstr('58')+id; //openpet need to be captured:RequestBypassToServer openpet:=hstr('8C 4B 1A 33 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); getitem:=hstr('8C')+id+hstr('01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'); if (fromclient) and (pck=hstr('1B 02 00 00 00 ')) then
  6. well why are u worried , in 2013 the world ends couse of the stuipid comet .. (it wont hit the planet but burn the atmosfere , couse it will be like 10km away from the ground) so don't worry be happy that u won't die as an old man
  7. well its about 15-20% to get an passiv/activ (only that passives are more then actives and its random)
  8. this was already posted long ago, use the search bar before making new thread next time
  9. well i have about 157 augumented weapons (inventory slots 500 couse he delated deposit wherehouse) in thouse weapons are 12 passiv and 3 activ skills , +4 Con , +7 INT , +2 DEX , +3 WIT , 411 p.def (withound passives) 319 m.def (withound passives) 6,2k CP , 3,9 k HP are the bonuses i get from auguments i might have a chance if i would have about 150 augumented weapons more >< atm as cup said im like a baby lol
  10. only head left to do from model :P ps. this may take longer then i expected cause i need to make model for armors too >< (so it will fit the body not fly in air) , when i have it done with the textures ill post some screens here hope u will like it (it looks kinda as a dark elf though i started editing the dwarf model >< , ah well if u don't look at the textures all the races look almost the same in model :) )
  11. well i start enchanting 1 to +10 and take it to wherehouse then i buy another one/or more till i get +11 then i take the +10 out and enchant it if it breaks i put in the +11 one , if succeds i got to +12
  12. well its cleared his friend gave them to him
  13. well it speeded up a little couse legs and hands are easy but it gets harder with the head/chest and lower body of female (ass)
  14. well this is a great occasion for me to learn , im getting better evry day at it , and when i have the server openned ill know how to do alot of custom stuff myself :) , and btw i still haven't the model done yet ... so i can't start the textures >< (its like trying to paint a car , withound the car lol :P ) well for now i have lots of time ... its kinda a summer project , if i need any help ill be sure to ask :)
  15. well i have the process in my signiture , and im afraid this will take a bit longer couse i need to make the attak,cast animations myself :/
  16. well i don't mean the vampire skills , i already have every thing planed for that race .. i mean for human etc .. so all players won't use vampire for example , u can attak an vampire with sacred attaks , almost all the skills drain your opponents hp, like drains over time , control monster (ur char just sits , while u can control a monster for 5 min in screen mode (like your own char) not on raids) etc...it won't be overpowered so don't worry
  17. nein es ist ein englischer topic //translation no , this is an Englishes topic , u can talk any language u wan't if u give an translation to english of it or some 1 else does
  18. mohamed wieso fragst du? // translate english Quote --> whats yr name? mohamed , why do u ask //translate polish Quote --> jak masz na imnie ? mohamed , czemu pytasz?
  19. alright u guys probably heard that ill be putting up a server with a new race at 12.12.08 and i think adding a new race,skills and classes for it and i don't wan't that on the server every one will run with this class any one has an idea of what to add the the other classes so theres something new too?
  20. well seems u can't read my 1st post .. so i say here , the topic started with 50 posts + 10-20 posts for evry server it works on , and pls post the server names if u say it works ...
  21. u mean the usual inject.dll virus or an real virus ? couse hlapex/phx/auto cp clicker and lot more cheating programs are viruses that don't harm your pc
  22. well it got fixed on core about 1 week ago ... , just say the server it works below
  23. well it seems u had lagged at that moment , or u used the scroll while the weapon was transporting in/out the pet ... (u need to enchant while u hold it in your own invectory )
  24. well thats the right message u should get :P so u done it good anyways it takes alot of time to enchant an item to +25 with it couse (like 85% of the enchants are inapropriate enchant condition , 10% are fails , 5% are success)
  25. u need to do the quest ... , wolf quest is like 5-10 min so desn't take too long , u start it in gludin pet manager
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