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Everything posted by adre

  1. So what? It deleted, he has to reupload!
  2. How did you make those 10 chars and this rare items? BTW, still have adenas?
  3. Rift has thousand of players now
  4. i agree with that. this way is so complicated.
  5. Can u show me in pm?
  6. Can u show me your char in PM?
  7. Can u show me in PM?
  8. I think the classic l2 is even better than this. But diablo-lineage ftw.:)
  9. Do not work. Click the .exe, and the window does not come . WTF is this?!?!
  10. This Version is S-UCKS! Do not attacks mob, just write japanese symbols.It attacks every thenth,twentieth mob. Can not use SS. Auto Assist is habitually late. It is not 90%, in preference 40% working. I started with l2w_load.exe . I did with 5 walkers in party. IT happened,like i wrote. It is in english language. When do not attack mobs, then writes japanese or whatelse asian symbols. I did exectly how u wrote!
  11. Server wiped, and will reopen at 10.21 17:00 gmt+2. But also will get anti bot system. "The captcha will pop-up * On the first lvl 70 or above monster killed * On every random amount of monsters (high number) * players will have 3 tries to answer the captcha, and 3 minutes, if they fail they go to jail for 24h"
  12. I dont know. Do you use more than one walker, and they leveling? do you use them since beginning? What is your opinion? What do i do wrong? or what will be better?
  13. I used your OOG walker. I started another character( so i used two characters same time), and i got message in walker window, that "close your software window" or something else. And the server logged me off( when i was in OG walker) IT happened ,after this situation, always.
  14. Hi! Im looking bot(ig and/or oog) for dragon network. I have win7 and the newest versions did not work. Anybody can help me?
  15. I Tried this oog. It is not good. Server Or active Gm detect it fast!
  16. Read your P.M.:)
  17. what you have on l2warcraft?
  18. Interesting.
  19. hope it would work.:)
  20. it does not work on premium servers.
  21. I get trojan by this. Is it real virus or is not it?
  22. Easy to bot, or gms are active?
  23. Oh, i thought, more. 2-300 ppl are not so many.:(
  24. How many people play on this server?
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