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Everything posted by SkpLeaD

  1. I am starting Boosts again with lowered prices if you are interested in getting a boost let me know inbox or skype albertos.tasos or you can send me private message to my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EG.SkpLeaD?ref=hl I can boost with DuoQ and Solo w/e you prefer we can talk about the prices on private message, Thanks!
  2. Hello Phant can you please help me i need to setup an L2off server i have all the files needed but i get some problems with the IP's can you be of some assistance to me please? add me skype albertos.tasos or pm me. Thanks a lot!
  3. I see noone replied anyways, My problem is that i Set all the setting according to any guide out there. The server seems to Open the Npc's Load but I can't get a connection to the server. And I think that i might have put some of the Ip address wrong. IS there anyone here that can devote 5-10 min to help me please? I have everything setup I just need some1 to check to configurations if they are correct with the IP's
  4. Hello fellas. I am looking for someone to help me setup a server L2OFF. I tried on my own but I had many problems since I have no idea how to do this and only read some guides that didn't help much. I am looking for someone to help me please setup a server and open it. Then i can continue on my own. Please add me on skype albertos.tasos or pm me here. Thanks a lot.
  5. Looking for developer to help me with TvT pm your skype to add and talk or pm here. Need help asap, Thanks!
  6. Looking for a dev to help me with TvT for my server pm me here or add me on skype albertos.tasos! Thanks
  7. Nice thanks, was searching for a server gold edition.
  8. Is there something in Maxcheaters that is legit? to be fair ? By the way this guy is legit for boosting! Trusted
  9. Photos please and someone to vouch for you would be awsome.. since your lvl1 you know..
  10. saying your good its ok, saying not to trust anyone else is offensive and bad for the others.
  11. Finished an account that i was woking on and I am back to bussiness, if you are interested in any job before the season finishes contant me. From silver 1 to plat 5
  12. Delete this post please i got scumed like a fool from a guy pretending to be magaki13, magaki13 had nothing to do with it and i hope the guy who scumed me gets what he deserves...
  13. Hello, I Want to make a deal with anyone who is willing to accept my offer. I am boosting accounts in LoL and some people give me PSC. I want some that we will make bussiness frequently and give me from 50E psc 45E. If anyone is Interested please pm me here or add me on skype albertos.tasos
  14. Back in Business From 4th of September any1 Interested Contant me.
  15. thnx for the info :)
  16. Hello I want to sell my account on EUNE since i stopped playing because i got bored of the game and lost any interest in playing any more so why not gain some money for it... The account has: Season 1 Gold, Season 2 Platinum, Season 3 Diamond 1. ( average MMR which means you can get to challenger if you try hard ). Just recently bought the Udyr skin and I have losts of skins almost in every champ i have one, Also i have Legendary Chogath Skin, And Cadny Cane missfortune(rare skin). If you are interested in buying the account make me a really good offer. Also i have All the bonus you get from the Season 1 and Season 2.
  17. I'm Stopping Boosting until end of August! So if you want a fast boost Contact Stratoss he is good legit booster. Or contact me after August.
  18. Working on Some accounts atm Thanks every1 for the support and keep contacting me soon i will be able for more :) :-beep- yeah:
  19. SkpLeaD


    Check my post. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=276084.0 Cheap fast elo boosting and trusted.
  20. Seriously are there people who still believe in these things?
  21. Finished the acc that was asked from me to reach gold IV! Was hard at first but not impossible!
  22. Best Quote i have seen in game 4 girls and lee sin in team and the guy from the other team says : Poo lee 4 pair off boobs and your blind!
  23. file m mallon den kses ti les gia tin lux.... les oti den mporei na kaneis push... pou exei 1 aoe spells pou trwei tin creepia me tin mia... exei double snare gia ta team fights mpala pou kanei slow kai apiro dmg kai fysika mia ulti pou mporei na parei olo to team kai na to dialisei.... kai fysika to shield.. sto lane polu dyskola na faei gang kai aneta perneis kai double kill ama to pekseis swsta gia ta alla symfono alla gia tin lux les vlakies.
  24. Got one account in progress atm from Gold to Platinum will give feedback when i finish and probably the guy will vouch for me.
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