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Posts posted by SkyLord


    I banned myself. As a supermoderator. When we decided to leave Rawr. 

    But even if I wrote to you from prison, this could not justify your fraud.

    u are banned there. ofc u decided to leave.. suppermod )

  2. You will never see such online in your lol server GayLord.

    the same server files (vanganth without any modifications... still Primeval mobs have 1min respawn time +trexs :) LOL dex are aground 10 years)

    the online at this server is not more than 2500. the same people and community in all IL mid rates 

    blackrock (doggy) against gangland (treshak team)

  3. since stalonka stoped hardcore opening servers,  now he open it just for fun... if he want be again top, he will start ddos etc, but  its no point since l2 is dead ;D just mouserinko need 5k euro for shutdown taleski

    if the private servers exists.. this game will never end.

  4. L2OFF AGAIN =))) ? 

    Good developer, you have great confidence

    who me? I am not developer Blackhive sad that.

    ConAddr ca;
    	ca.addrStr1 = "login1.l2mid.com";
    	ca.addr1 = 0;
    	ca.addrStr2 = "login2.l2mid.com";
    	ca.addr2 = 0;
    	ConAddr ca2;
    	ca2.addrStr1 = "login3.l2mid.com";
    	ca2.addr1 = 0;
    	ca2.addrStr2 = "login4.l2mid.com";
    	ca2.addr2 = 0;
    struct ConnectData
    	UINT addr;
    	UINT port;
    	bool valid;
    	ConnectData() : addr(0), port(0), valid(0) {};
    	ConnectData(UINT a, UINT p) : addr(a), port(p), valid(false) {};
    bool CanConnect(UINT addrVal, UINT port)
    	bool valid = false;
    	if(s != INVALID_SOCKET)
    		SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr;
    		memset(&sockAddr,0, sizeof(sockAddr));
    		sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    		sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
    		sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = addrVal;
    		typedef int (WSAAPI * _fcon)(IN SOCKET s, IN const struct sockaddr FAR * name, IN int namelen);
    		HMODULE hW = GetModuleHandle(L"Ws2_32.dll");
    			_fcon fCon = (_fcon)GetProcAddress(hW, "connect");
    				int result = fCon(s,(SOCKADDR *)&sockAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
    				if(result == 0)
    					valid = true;
    					valid = false;
    	return valid;
  5. He never said that, nobody said that we own the perfect l2off files, just you and your big fat mouth which will be fulled with horse sperm. Bon apetitte!

    You talk too much kid. lets meet in 1 conversation skype: f4sh10n

  6. shit server , wont touch anything until Sublimtiy die, stop spamming me about this trash typicall interlude shit server, I am not touching any craft servers anymore, You cannot compare to Sublimity ,

    You think sublimity is alive? There is only 2 sides alliance vs. toyfactory and some randoms.

    I got information Opal got alot of bugs on his extender? He fail 2 times in 2 days.

    He can't compare with l2mid files.:)

  7. So this Blackkiddo is mad because Skyguy opened more servers and made more money with his servers ? Than you ?

    Took your players ? Your servers failed because of him ?

    Oh my....now i understand your stupidity.

    Congradulations Skyguy, you mentaly destroyed a kid. And he deserves his obsession about this now.


    RIP BH

  8. Blackhive You are crying? This screen does not means anything.
    Make a video next time. Try to stop me.



    Btw in maxcheaters you can find alot of fake pictures... example how i sell epics items etc.

  9. So if l2.world is not your server so why you advertise this server? You helping them or why you write topics in forums about this server start?

    Where u see topic l2world from me? I just make 1 post here and people said it's skylord server. lol

  10. Agree with you, Cleaver good project, this server is Skylord / Outlawer  1 week server max

    There is no good java interlude server. Cleaver is crap and nobody will go there thats why he do not open the forum. 400-500 ppl max.

    As i said l2world is not mine project.. believe me or not i dont care. I am work alone now and i am the owner of l2mid and l2abyss. remember that abyss? my 1st successful low rate server.

    http://l2abyss.com/- this is not advertise.

  11. owners work for treshak cuz they pay him so means skylordsky u are his slave  :dat:

    I am not your maid, nor your slave. Paid or unpaid.I will only be me and thats all I will ever be.


    my life my choices my mistakes my lessons

    - not your business.

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