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Posts posted by SkyLord

  1. So.... the funny thing: first, they reject to pay them, but "for some reason" they paid them later.. do you know why?



    Edit: Actually? Did you even read my text?

    Scam-pvp offered real money for 1st,2nd, 3rd place in 9v9 tournament. After event finished, he scammed 2nd and 3rd place, as you can see on screenshot.

    But for the "magical reason" he paid them letter.. wanna know more/why ?

    Wanna know how euro-pvp paing to clans to play on their servers?

    Euro-pvp will pay ru clans to play on their server, while eu community will play for free and think "omg, what a cool server".


    6k players expected, that's cool, really. But why so low online for such HUGE project? I remember when euro-pvp (with JAVA files!!!!!) alone handle 20k online. 20k online on x100 or x1200 server...

    You want to work with trash ru server,eu playets should know more about this "upcoming project".


    Be patient, more Screenshots today later

    Yeah, yeah everytime you write something wrong in my topics. You think that you will make me sad or what? Put your screens in your ass.
    thx for keeping me up.. and tnx god for mxc privileges) I know exactly who are you kid. Dont hide from me :)
    Иди нахуй пес, хейтер евро пвп, всем выплаты всегда выплачивают, почитай правила акции "Твинко \ не играющим пакам бонус НЕ ВЫДАЮТ" что и отписал администратор. Зачем ты тут позоришься пес сраный?
  2. LOL stop lie people because this is not correct. Do you have any idea what is 9v9 tournament?


    actually he ask admin for money because his party finished TOP 2.


    edit: today i was speak with euro-pvp admin. he said "we pay them" 


    keep doing shits tommy.. some 1 will believe you

  3. To be honest, I conversed today with Skylord...yea, if you look around you will see that we are "enemies" but this doesn't matter... and I made a conclusion...available for everyone who trash talk about him or his team...he's a friendly guy and helpful. First words was a little "arrogant" but after several minutes, changed his "brute face" to a friendly one. So, I wish good luck to his project and all the best !

    you my boy Chris

  4. Soo hello my old friend skylord i wanna tell you 2 3 reason about that fail GO who comming in november so 1. You are soooo stupid to make server with Euro PvP they have like 2k online at every project like x100 or hight rates 2.they dont comming to play in you project bcs the russian love russian 3. You dont understand nothing from l2 and for that you lose tooooooo many ppl and 4 . Tell you brother to close l2mid for some year bcs no one gonna play there

    I am not ur friend! Look around ;) People like you have no friends.

  5. Thank you Dawid for all your job over this years. And thank you for trust in us, we will do our best to continue your legacy, and to provide a perfect support to your customers, who prefered to use your extender over the years.


    Very soon information will be updated on our site too, all news and contacts could be find here:





    we lose like 2000+ players because of you fking extender. no chance to buy again advext!

    many bugs and unskilled devs.


    I do not agree with dawid.

  6. 10x I don't, think kidding

    you became friends with bitches,with Russians

    vodka in power for illiterate

    you let me down


    you're a virus to community                              


                                                                              You want to do competition with l2global you try tricks?

                                                                                                           buffon brainless!


    how many times you disappointed?


    avoid u the topic of this kind?

    so funny  :y u no?:

  7. Last mid "expected" 3k online and only ~ 600 were in game. And died in less then a week.

    Now you deal with one of the most corrupted ru server and wanna get 6k?)

    600 players from mid + 300 from fail-pvp = 6k.

    Nice joke :)

    in 1 town.




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