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Posts posted by SkyLord

  1. On 20.02.2018 г. at 8:37 PM, XANTHIS said:

    About the clan tags, they have been there since last opening, There is no guarantee that he use them on purpose for this next opening.


    And I've not been involved at all with all the corruption accuses etc.


    But i will say this, SkyLord is a good guy at least the Sky that i learned to know. I was on the last OBT everyday, and he was very dedicated with hes server, he worked with it day and night to improve things, and just tried to prepare the server well before then grand opening.


    I can't say which version of this drama is true but treshak is not a saint for sure, i belive that Sky don't deserve all this hate.


    I know that some leaders who I wont mention, actually tried to blackmail SkyLord even before the server opened last season.


    This fucking community have serious problems, all devs get blackmailed on every fucking project and they have to make risky moves in order to maintain the server status.


    and when some gipsy retarted kid don't get what he wants, then the shitstorm beings


    IF YOU DON'T LIKE SKYLORD OR L2MID, WHY BOTHER COMING HERE JUST TO FLAME? "i come here to warn others of he's corruption" Yeah... I'm pretty sure u dont even know half of the story.



    Thanks mate.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nervouss said:

    nah im here cause that guy actually destroyed his server's my himself,i can name you all the leaders who have been on l2mids one by one,and you can go ask them yourself. why you guys wont join l2mid again? the answer is gonna be simple as that. " skylord is fucktard kid" . 

    i just wanna make sure nobody gives it a try no more,to be honest last 2 projects he opened last for 2 or 3 days max.so he already on the downroad , i just wanna make sure he gets absolute 0 for the things he has done to me and the rest of the loyal players of the project. Im telling you again,none here has been on as many l2mids like i have been,none knows him better that i do ,or tempest guys do. I have no reason to lie,im just trying to open your eyes,this ain't hate, this is a "what goes around comes around" situation. 

    can u teach me how to be admin?

  3. 15 hours ago, Nervouss said:

    dude,im trying to explain to you,skylord is the most retard guy you ll ever meet. I HAVE EXPERIENCED THAT,I PLAYED ALMOST EVERY SEASON OF L2MID AND THE GUYS WAS KILLING HIS OWN SERVER BY ACTING RETARTED. Who bans a whole clan for owning the server,who jails a party for having drac bows fast? who the fuck co-operate with a player to sell epics and share the money 50-50. lol? im telling you,you re gonna waste your time even by downloading his client. dont tell i didnt warn u. Look on his site,90% of the clan tags he is using wont even join the server,he is even using my clan tag and name even though i ve been flaming him non stop. that guy deserves shit. and he ll take it. 


    just keep living your pathetic life.. im tired of fools in this forum.

  4. 11 hours ago, Nervouss said:

    hello everyone,braveheart here . i ve been in all l2mid,first 2 servers were great but after that skylord himself killed his server. he was banning people for taking heroes, he jailed my party for having drac bows too early on the server, he also made deals with albanian leaders to sell epics to player and share the money 50-50 %

    last 3 times that retard tried to reopen his server he failed hard,not even 3 days online. 

    NEVER JOIN THIS PROJECT EVER AGAIN. Our community (ngu,tf,exilium,franstyle,treshak and more) won't even be there to play. He is using fake infos on his site that we are about to join the server but honestly none will be there. 


    brave i did not expect that from you. but thanks. you should know that "we just open servers" thats it.

    i am killing my server because i let people sell epics? hhhhhhah0ah0ah0ha00ha0ha0ha0h0a0ha



    actually all these leaders will play on 3rd march again (without treshak cuz he is the bastard who try to sell items in my server)


    ps: please do not speak from other leaders name because you have no idea what is happening.

    don't think that you control all cp/clan leaders. and l2 community.






  5. 20 hours ago, Reborn12 said:

    You always the same thing cause you got maybe this fake online at the start but in 10 days you are going for a new opening..

    what u mean fake online?  mr. mod

    we are open 2 servers in a year. march-april, october or novemer.





  6. 13 hours ago, ZOUMHS said:

    serious in a level zero. who plays your servers because your behavior are carpets.

    I wanted to understand how dumb is the community he does not see that he will play in a server.

    sorry i do not answer to stupid comments.

    gg cya soon

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