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Gaming Moderator
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Status Updates posted by HyperBlown

  1. Happy new year to all!

  2. RIP WhatsApp & Facebook

  3. Lf dll editor/creator to do some job for me. pm...

  4. Do you think you have unique Customs for H5? PM me with image link (gyazo, lightshot or prnt.sc) and we can discuss a trade or sale....

  5. LF dsetup.dll source or GetSendPacketAddress(void) code for freya chronicle. send message!
  6. LF dsetup.dll source for freya chronicle

  7. Yu wa wa weeee, yu yu wa wa weeh

  8. LF Classic Talking island Trusted adena seller

  9. Death to the primes!

    1. Mithril Mines

      Mithril Mines

      worst season xd

    2. HyperBlown


      5th one was the best in my opinion.

    3. Mithril Mines

      Mithril Mines

      For me was up to 3 then they ruin it 

  10. I'm Like a Bird

  11. Lmao, l2j still exists? OmegaLuL

  12. Happy new year!


  13. Da cheetah is fastar dandelion.

  14. Da cheetah is fastar dandelion.

    1. Kara


      Your incoming ban if you don't stop being sexy will be fastar

  15. 2 + 2 = 4 -1 = 3

    1. Kara


      Baby our relationship goes though hard shit with the damn silly stuff u write.

      Please stop >.<

  16. Best IDE? Notepad++ for sure!

  17. Notepad++ is the best Coding editor. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Kara


      No shit sherlock.

  18. These ads are getting smarter...

  19. Happy new year!!!! Join the newest Freya PvP Server today! - http://l2beta.com

  20. Happy new year!!!! Join the newest Freya PvP Server today! - http://l2beta.com

  21. Freya 1000x PvP Server - http://l2beta.com/ Join us today!

  22. Recent New Freya PvP Server - http://l2beta.com/ join us today!

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