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MetaMan last won the day on May 10 2024

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  1. Oh my God, help me. I didn’t say that you have intellectual property rights, nor did I say anyone else does, nor that you’re claiming them. I guess I can’t communicate with either of you. I’m leaving, good luck.
  2. Let's clear something up: I have no problem with anyone, not with you, not with the person who wants to publish the files, and not with the moderators. Let's all understand this once and for all. I don’t know which century you live in, but there are no intellectual property rights in the field we are in. We’re not companies creating something and validating it with the appropriate authorities to have intellectual property rights. Let’s be serious here. I don’t care at all if I code something and sell it, and I don’t care what my buyer does. For the simple reason that the space we are in is a free market. I can’t make it any clearer for you to understand. If, at your age, you can’t realize that all this talk about the rights of programmers doesn’t apply, and you want to defend it in some way, I think you’re on a different planet. I hope you won’t make me a target tonight. My opinion on such matters is clear: No one owes intellectual property rights to anyone. Everything is bought and sold without the intellectual property rights of programmers or anyone else.
  3. There’s no need to ask for permission from anyone. The world is a free market. Everyone buys what they want, sells what they want, and shares what they want for free. No permission is needed for this. If the administrator of this site doesn’t want it, it will show over time. If you want to share the files, do it, and if you get banned, everyone will see it and judge. And don’t forget, there are other forums on the internet in case you get banned from this particular site. There’s no need to go completely crazy. We are all intelligent enough at our age to understand the world around us. I don’t understand what the administrator’s interest is with this response. I believe it was a wrong thought, and that’s all. That’s what I want to believe. I say this because something similar happened to me in the past, and in the end, the scammer wasn’t punished by the platform. I didn’t insist on a refund because the amount lost was about 70€, which for me is a small amount, but it stuck with me that the scammer wasn’t punished and is still here on the forum, posting and continuing to sell his L2 Custom UPDATER - LAUNCHER.
  4. I don’t understand what you mean. So, if I buy a car, I can’t resell it? Or if I buy a website or some files from a developer, in this case, Lineage files, I can’t share them for free? What kind of logic is this?
  5. I don't understand what the issue is with those who react. Even if the files weren’t yours and you had bought them, you don’t have the right to share them on this forum. What else are we going to hear? We're in our 40s and some are reacting like they’re 15. And the moderators… what can I say, modern Greeks. Even on the internet, there is censorship. Some try to impose themselves because they have a platform where they hold a position, and then we wonder why this forum has been destroyed or disappeared from the map.
  6. Hi maybe the page i see is from my server? https://l2metawars.com/
  7. Hi unfortunately I have never worked in h5, and I don't know if it's even possible
  8. Hi I did a test on the test server (Classic Client) and I think I found it. Go to folder system/SetItemGrp-eu.dat I test for Majestic Leather Armor (ID: 2395) and i put it like this and it seems to work... setitem_group_begin num=39 essential_setitem_id={{2395};{2419;12990};{5775;11449};{5787;11454}} essential_setitem_desc={[No set effect];[No set effect];[P. Atk. of Bow +8%, Max MP +240, Weight Limit +5759, Resistance to Stun +50%, DEX+1, and CON-1.]} additional_setitem_id={} additional_setitem_desc={} unk1=0 unk2=0 enchant_setitem_condition={{6;[Increases M. Def. and Evasion when all set items are enchanted to 6 or above.]};{7;[Increases 0.5% More M. Def. and Evasion when all set items are enchanted to 7 or above.]}} setitem_group_end
  9. Hello dear players, Today is the day to judge us. We will be happy to see you enjoying the server.
  10. During beta test will be available ( NPC Project ) in Giran with all necessary items for Beta. We start Open Beta 25 - 30 May 20:00 (GMT+3) 5 days to test the server.
  11. I did not understand what is meant, what exactly did we get from there?
  12. I don't like commenting on random people, I didn't and I never will. I bet you didn't even read the discussion from the video carefull.
  13. don't be stupid if you don't return my money I continue to want sanctions against you. don't write that you like it, the case is not closed. don't pose as you want when you upload a photo don't edit upload the whole conversation before editing.
  14. I explained to you why. I don't care, I'll lose the 50€, you're not the first to do something similar, I wanted to report you on the mmo-dev.info forum as well, but to my surprise I saw that you are already banned there. that tells us something.
  15. Dear friends! We have good news to announce that the server that will open in June 1 will be the Main server and every 4 months we will make another season server and integrate ( merge ) it into the main that will always be open..
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