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Cronia last won the day on January 19 2014

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About Cronia

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Community Answers

  1. I have 500 Euro in my eurobank and i need a person to trade with 500 euro in neteller!
  2. Not difference i like Design so its only design.. Really now? report this topic and no spam
  3. Thnks A lot of guys!
  4. Thnks A lot of guys..
  5. Nice share i would prefer to share images for that but anyway thnks!
  6. Hello guys i create this Augmenter and i like to share with you. Is nothing Special but is Free so you can tell only one thnks :) Pictures Credits: me NOTE : I found this image on internet because no found any picture so you can use your server image.. Download Here
  7. I havent my friend Now because is was a lot of years and no remember where is so i create this now...If you have skills from html you can inside easy this areas...If i found some time i will create this again and share...
  8. Thnks A lot Of My Friend... [update] Fix Dead Pictures
  9. I think Is better with out augment is more retail...How play oly cardinals in c4/c5..I mean cardinals and others have curse for empty mp and more to play in oly.. with augment i bealieve Prophets is OP with a lot of buffs in oly and skill? :/ and a lot of curse. I think you can win with cardinal if play clever and keep your mp.. Anyway :)
  10. My npc First? I am Blessed! xexe Joke... Nice share if any bored to search because some old links is dead but must keep update and check every time for links... Anyay is good!Nice try..
  11. Tnks a lot of my friend!
  12. Thns a lot of guys. I will try to create more npcs and post! :) [Gr] Σε ευχαριστώ και πάλι Έχω κάποια npc (δεν εχώ βέβαια ασχοληθεί σαν αυτό ) και όταν τα τελειώσω θα τα ανεβάσω. :)
  13. This is amazing if you like interlude servers and you want to feel something different...If you know what i mean! ^-^
  14. I think this Interface have bug because i had got this from one rusian site for test and if i remember you cant see augment for inside ls...anyway
  15. Thnks Elfo I think it has all important areas for a mid rate server but if someone like can expand ofc! ^_^ Thnks MrPro..Is a gift on forum because i see and people have stopped to share npcs... ;) Anyway thnks again! :lol:
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