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About omg1

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  1. nice forum in all sections if there is negative replays they just deleting it .
  2. Server looks really good . There is temporally website --- > http://www.magicalplace.net/ to make accounts to download patch and some news . Maybe i will join .
  3. what u expect from russian server ? at this server i met many ppl who speak english well . You won't find in any eu servers admins like here they helping always by solving problems even made full game in english made a section for international ppl i don't get whats the problem u have all ? i understand that these lil trolls flaming cuz these kind of server with x55 rates are equal to x15 eu custom server by farm level so thats making some randoms to qq about items but the whole game really u don't see the differents ? at eu servers all the fucking time 0 pvp 95% only pve 500 on donation op full of bots and what u have here ? u have here full of pvp at forts/spots/olympiad not edited cancels no shits buff return system and rest crap. In the end yes i will say this server not perfect cuz of geodata and some small bugs but is nothing compare to eu trust me. Peace.
  4. boy ? who the fuck u are a looser ? vote works perfectly but u r just dumb . Really better stop flame others servers whit ur stupid minds.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezxZd0_3DFA how to make these refuse time on screens. For example at first clip skill refuse pop in the left coner hope you understand what i'm trying to say.
  6. by 30 pt of zerg from gf ally
  7. Top server full of ppl every where not like in noobs servers like tales/world (7-10k lol in these servers max 1k ) . At toi raids/cabrio near 1k ppl and this is only day 2 .
  8. Cancel skills 2 min cd and vampyric claw nerfed x3 to abosrb hp tell whats the point to play sorc/sps/necro in ur server ? with such a things even in oly they wil be useless. And as i saw cancel buffs back after 10 sec like so wow man. I suggest to remove that penalty at least in oly cuz u will see in ur server only fighters and some storm screamers.
  9. good luck looks good
  10. Good server and now everything in english included community board .
  11. if u searching good server join this one over 9000 better this then tales/world and so on. if u want to remember old times when at c6 servers were full of ppls many pvps and so on at this server u can find it also skills/mob stats not edited all classes got their power and advantages.
  12. localization file u need for it. u can make all in eng only 1-3 parts from alt+b in russ but after some days i don't have problems right now from it. Server good big on and so on its not like l2tales where "6500 on" real at peek time right now around 5k on it means in every EVERY spot pvps and ppl. About files of server no point to talk eu servers never will have files like russ got.
  13. and in the end of month 6500 like in tales
  14. soon 2k ONLINE :D next week will be 3k :troll:
  15. wait some hours will be 800~ next day 1k+
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