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Everything posted by fanara

  1. re mhn eisai hazos. TO l2 dn einai gia official. Exei toso proxorimenous private servers, p einai...OFFICIAL!!! Opote se simbouleuw na ksodepseis ta money sou allou..... h dwsta se mena na ta ependhsw sto stoixima!!! LOL
  2. pios niazete gia thn NCSoft dn pana pnigei lew egw!! Privates FTW!!!
  3. tips for enchanting? nah.....
  4. just connect the 2 pcs with the cable and synchronize them
  5. Hello! id like to add here the server of my friend, which iam GM too, its Pretty cool!!!!! (not open yet, but at untill the start of september surely up) http://zordo.forumotion.com --Working Olympiad --Enchant rate 75% safe +8 max +30 --Custom WEAPONS:ARMORS:ITEMS and Enchant Colors --GM Shops --NPC buffers -- and alot more!!!!!
  6. try Illicit Awakening. http://www.iagaming.net/ (i think this is, try google) Too bad the server is full with donators :(
  7. yeah his right...its not a heahache, i mean, at the start yes it is, but as you experiment with it, it isnt.
  8. L2... it has the most high developed private servers, so, play without pay!!
  9. sacred online? to sacred single player htan!
  10. fanara


    kala re p ta briskeis ola ayta?
  11. se ola einai free?
  12. prepaid? p tis ftiaxneis aftes? Epitrepoun kai se anilikous?
  14. fanara


    hmmm..... an kai kseroro PARApolla games, ayto prwti fora to akouw.... mipos legete alliws?
  15. guys.... why you all lock the cool topics with posts count view? It sucks........
  16. well, now my prob isnt sqls (i found out theyre too easy configurable) but weapongrp!!! Imean, i wanna add Epic Weapons for Interlude, but i got HELL confused with the weapongrp file, i tryed some things, but when i tried to save it, it bumped up error! If smb can write a guide for weapongrp, or just tell me what to do? Tnx!
  17. LOL, who said i downloaded it from this topic? I found the same thing in RZ! :P
  18. lol, thx but i have already downloaded these! If you know another, pls spend ur time tellin me! @Izzy, i know that other files are needed too, iam not that newbie to l2j servers!!! ;)
  19. Guys, ive searched the whole forum about custom things, but either the most of em cant get the sql's to work (using navicat and SQLyog) or theyre not for Interlude!!!!! Could you pls tell me some links for customs that are working with L2J? (or, if you could with l2jfree) Tnx in advance!!
  20. encrypt the file in the correct version. If you have interlude, choose 413
  21. wow cool...
  22. tested it. COOL!
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