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AdenaMerchant last won the day on October 14 2014

AdenaMerchant had the most liked content!

About AdenaMerchant

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. nobody scammed u so stfu! u changed the password to the account!
  2. Trusted buyer i sent adena first and then he paid
  3. got a good offer for you pm me
  4. 99 iss with 99 dual class 75 euros
  5. I want to sell the fallowing items on core Adena 35 euros / 1kkk 5.5 kkk stock atm Blessed heavy armor set R99 +6 full atributes 200 euros Iss 99/99 ------ 70 euros anymore i have the mail for this! tank lvl 99 ----20 euros i dont have the email for it anymore it has baium char on it healer 97 ---- 15 euros i dont have the email for it anymore healer 96 ----- 10 euros i dont have the email for it anymore Tyr 93 -----10 euros i dont have the email for it or 90 euros if u buy all of them all the chars are mine i dont remember the mail passwords because i had them in a text document and my HDD fried! heavy armor set +3 and chest is +4 full atributes 30 euros 2 x R95 Robe sets 20 euros for both 1 R95 leather set 15 euros -sold Octavis shirt +4 10 euros - sold Drako HAT +3 STR 10euros R95 specter cutter +4 + health 20 euros Istina necklace +5 35 euros Dyes CON+5 ----- 10 euros CON +5 25 dark resist x5 = 12 euros WIT +5 25 dark resist R99 Retributer +4 acumen full atribute 45 euros DUal swords R99 +4 Health full atribute 45euros Talisman HUNTER - Abundance 45 euros +4 eternal gaiters full atri +3 eternal helmet full atri Formal wear 2 fenrir necklace \____ 5 euros for all 3 1 great black wolf necklace / DO NOT BOTHER TO ASK ME TO GO FIRST! U can pm me here with offers or find me on skype : valentin_laguna
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