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Everything posted by Outlaw™

  1. Well dunno man, i worked with the guy and he is cool, he delivers his work and its HQ. Maybe he is busy with real life ? I am sure he will deliver his work...but complaint is done already :/
  2. Like there is a difference...
  3. Why should someone rent from some random reseller ? Why not straight from OVH in this case ?
  4. Croncos - UK Blazingfast - UKR Softlayer - US Voxility - RO All these 4 are 90% full proof highly secured networks. Can be taken down only if you piss off the wrong people just. OVH pure garbage, can be shot down with a ping DOS tool. Anyone can piss on it. Own experience. Even with tunneling shit. Too much email spam also. Trash.
  5. Contact me via PM with your skype, i will solve your issue out if there is any now. Sorry i was away and busy quite alot.
  6. Set it free on the internet mate. It is not worth to keep it locked on a computer. As it is being said in the movoies : Let it goooo, let it gooooo !!!!!!!
  7. There are not many options for him, his extender rev is old. Beside the options he listed he can only pick a option like : 1 box opens 3 items -> each item can be exchanged in a npc for various items, multisell can trade you 1 item vs 10 even.
  8. Old extender rev. Way too old. Etherian's idea stand because your extender rev is old. For a new start package you can use this : initial_equipment_begin human_fighter={[mask_noble];[hard_leather_helmet];[bone_gaiters];[bone_shield];[bone_breastplate];[bracer];[boots];[sword_breaker];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinite_soulshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} human_magician={[mask_noble];[bone_shield];[bracer];[leather_helmet];[tunic_of_devotion];[hose_of_devotion];[boots];[voodoo_doll];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinity_blessed_spiritshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} elf_fighter={[mask_noble];[hard_leather_helmet];[bone_gaiters];[bone_shield];[bone_breastplate];[bracer];[boots];[sword_breaker];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinite_soulshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} elf_magician={[mask_noble];[bone_shield];[bracer];[leather_helmet];[tunic_of_devotion];[hose_of_devotion];[boots];[voodoo_doll];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinity_blessed_spiritshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} darkelf_fighter={[mask_noble];[hard_leather_helmet];[bone_gaiters];[bone_shield];[bone_breastplate];[bracer];[boots];[sword_breaker];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinite_soulshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} darkelf_magician={[mask_noble];[bone_shield];[bracer];[leather_helmet];[tunic_of_devotion];[hose_of_devotion];[boots];[voodoo_doll];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinity_blessed_spiritshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} orc_fighter={[mask_noble];[hard_leather_helmet];[bone_gaiters];[bone_shield];[bone_breastplate];[bracer];[boots];[iron_hammer];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinite_soulshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} orc_shaman={[mask_noble];[bone_shield];[bracer];[leather_helmet];[tunic_of_devotion];[hose_of_devotion];[boots];[voodoo_doll];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinity_blessed_spiritshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} dwarf_apprentice={[mask_noble];[hard_leather_helmet];[bone_gaiters];[bone_shield];[bone_breastplate];[bracer];[boots];[iron_hammer];[blue_diamond_necklace];[coral_earing];[coral_earing];[blue_coral_ring];[blue_coral_ring];[infinite_soulshot_none];[tutorial_guide]} initial_equipment_end Or you can give within the same settings the chars some kind of coupons and they can exchange to the npcs for items.
  9. What files are you using and rev ? If you are using vanganth files you have the effect : i_give_item {i_give_item;ID;count}
  10. There is no such thing as unlimited keys, summer 2016 thread, outdated. Vanganth is out of the scheme. I would not trust this person. Not recomended
  11. l2scripts trusted solid end.
  12. Oh damn, i have been a bit away guys sorry. Have you sorted your issue out ? If not drop me a message with your skype and i can attempt to sort it out.
  13. "We own"Blackkid thinks he is a part of sublimity ))))
  14. So this Blackkiddo is mad because Skyguy opened more servers and made more money with his servers ? Than you ? Took your players ? Your servers failed because of him ? Oh my....now i understand your stupidity. Congradulations Skyguy, you mentaly destroyed a kid. And he deserves his obsession about this now. RIP BH
  15. Noone claimed ownership over a extender, your point is irrelevant. I claimed ownership and modding ownership of the scripts that he is selling. That i moded for those servers that i opened. No i did not create the scripts but i moded them and customised them for my servers use. Do you see my point ?
  16. Oh jezzus, what does creating a server in the modern days mean ? coding bit by bit to create a extender ? That is for people wihtout private/personal life. Everyone is doing the same, buying done extender with a license and modding the files accordingly for the servers needs. "few files meaning a shit load of files" You know how that works, but dunno why you said that tho...whatever.
  17. You're an idiot kid, noone mentioned about extender copyrights, nor you even know what is a extender or a script, or how they work. How much do you want to show these people how much of a imbecil you are ? To make a server you need files, an extender that is known of who created them, not me, i never said that you daft cunt, prior to make a server you have to MOD those files according of what you want in the server. That is what i did, not you nor anyone else for Segue World. Plus it was only ONE server called Segue World and it went live only ONE time, done by myself. Do you realy think you will achieve anything with stating random words as lies ? Piss me off ? No, you cannot. Or mess my image up ? I do not care. But you mess reality up of what happened, and some people do not know. Like i said, i do not give a fuck, you and your but buddy are full of shit. Fake liers and money hungry kids selling shared stuff to others. Take care kiddo, silly bellend.
  18. @the_romanian_blackfriend : Tare prost esti vorbind de un alt roman co-national ca e "tigan", tare prost esti, ai o cultura ireal de stupida, presupun ca mata si tactu nu au avut bani sa iti ofere o educatie normala. Valabil si pentru Josh :) , @Topic conversation : Too many butt-hurt people posting. You have no copyright kid, you never opened those servers, i did, i created the server name and named it and opened it live and i owned the domains, not you, but then again i do not give a fuck what you claim. Actualy i do not care whatever this kid is doing...he can sell my shared stuff since it is free, and if there is a idiot out there to buy them...good...get fucked. He knows the files he is selling are mine, and moded by me. Whatever, topic should get canceled or deleted. Waste of human breath to post around here. This post was made for the purpose to show you guys what a dickhead he is, point was proven on my topic post tho. I HOPE and I WANT you to post random shit like this on my future topic about and on my server. I will need the topic boosts so do not forget about me in 1 2 3 months or so. Since i am backing up this brain dead conversation so i won't get intoxicated by this cancer chat he will think "he pwnt" or "won" his e-battle. Good, boost your small e-penis kid.
  19. So funny, where i make a reply on a server topic, the server becomes mine...or Skyguy... WE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD....BEWARE HUMANS !!!
  20. Clearly i made my point and this guy is raging, 98 posts from most randoms like this, probably a friend of Blackguy just to tworn the topic apart. Anyway waiting for a mod to answer , hopefuly in this era.
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