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About mylove1412

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  1. i can't send PM to you. Can you pm me your skype.
  2. That was some problem with the CDN, but it was fixed right after that. Thanks.
  3. Thanks to marialeonmar, problem solved. Very good service. Strongly recommend.
  4. Currently I'm looking for a way to edit the L2Font-e.utx file, but can find no solution at all. If there is any one that can help, I can pay you to do it, or pay for your solution so we do it ourselves. If you're interested, please pm me the price and contact so we can discuss in detail. Thank you.
  5. The creator of the Umodel tool (a Russian guy it seems) know how to re-encrypt the UTX back and make it work, even has a tool for it, offered it for around $50 or something. I tried to contacted him before via email and facebook, but the guy never answered. May be i'm unlucky. So I'm still looking for a solution for this now :(
  6. Hi MxC, I need help editing the client. Willing to pay for tools or even developers would help. Thanks. Please PM.
  7. So you mean that L2net just (some way) goes straight to the server without the interfere of PHX? That's really troublesome, because I really need PHX as a proxy for all the packet :(
  8. it doesn't work even though the server allow drop
  9. I'm using L2phx 3.5.33, it work very well with mah l2 client, but it doesn't work with L2Net OOG. After surfing around, find no information about how can the L2Net can be skipped like that.
  10. how about with armor. I tried with armor and didnt work. this problem is rate enchant armor (55%) vs weapon (67%) or something else?
  11. lv40 char how i get deadeye :D
  12. -9 dex by dye -2 dex by NMH set and grade penalty (i cant found any D/C set -dex) very slow bow debuff and my atkspd is 39. lol
  13. can you tell me on l2j or l2off
  14. hmm, in new version l2j i cant put adena in pet's inventory's window
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