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Everything posted by FireLock

  1. Vazis na htipisi ton antharas kai pefti o valakas? pos ginete afto :P pantos akougete logiko afou me to dance of medusa den nio8i apo damage o char. ala pos prolaves na to kanis prin se varesi to raid boss?
  2. Donate se tetion server ??? den nomizo na aksizi... etsi den einai??
  3. An kai pistevo oti einai moufa.... 8a to dokimaso... pote den kseris ti 8a gini..
  4. thanks for sharing it. i will try it. hope it works.:)
  5. Good job guys. Keep it up and you will become very famous.
  6. Nice share, its really usefull for the low rated servers.
  7. Ok i will wait for your news. :)
  8. i tried the 1.79 version too, but still nothing. So i will do the exp alone.:(
  9. Oute ego ksero tipota ta exo dokimasei ola, oxi mono afta pou ksero ala afta pou mou ipan kai afta pou vrika se afto to site. giafto nomizo paei to bot ston la2crazy.:(
  10. Nice post. Kai poloi xrisimes oi plirofories.
  11. Very good share. Thank you for the walker. I will use it a lot. :P
  12. I tried changing the name of l2.exe and it didn't work, also i tried to restart my pc and it didn't work again. Can you tell me what to try next??
  13. thank you for sharing. i will try this.
  14. Very good share. Now i will go with my clan and kill the raid bosses we were looking for. thank you very much.
  15. Now that the la2crazy changed its patch the 1.78 walker doesn't work.It tells me L2.exe file size error. can you help me with that?
  16. An mporeis ftiakse ena kainourgio walker gia to la2crazy tora pou alakse to l2.
  17. O palios e-global 8a ksana aniksi, diladi etsi akousa. O kainourgios e-global opos ton lete <<la2crazy>> den exi donation.
  18. yes nice post ns. it is very useful.
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