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Everything posted by hurensohn

  1. really good server still, like it was back in pvpx.
  2. Please post a Guide. :> How i use this "Helper".
  3. with just script target and mobID? and attack mobID?
  4. Best combo is Overlord - Treasure Hunter - Paladin - Destroyer So you can get to 1 hit everyone. With Zealot, Frenzy, Angelic Icon, Focus Skill Mastery, Soul Shield, WarCry
  5. They bought them :p
  6. He wanted to Its an L2OFF server C5 and it got the Server Files from L2Supreme( Supreme=best lowrate freechartserveraround) And yes its 15x and going online in a few Horus IRC #l2ex-chat
  7. You said the same like me. lol butthurtmuch))
  8. YOu wont get much money for that. ;s
  9. weather sucks there. :<
  10. There must be a .exe you connect with.
  11. You dont need a party to heal afaik.
  12. WHy would you need that?
  13. Use a script.
  14. Get the infos and we configure
  15. english please
  16. Nice done.
  17. use walker.
  18. Look in the ohter thread
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