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Everything posted by MrBean

  1. when server will be on??
  2. Server down??Or something with log in?
  3. Server Online??
  4. Server is new and good...Helpful gm/admin...all day online to help us and all time fixes!!! Log in and play!! By:ZyGi with love :D
  6. ZyGi [GR]ti epathes re me ton server??ani3e ton asap gt varethikame...thelw na pe3wwwww :troll:
  7. site down??why plss
  8. All is on start all people have the char and no the items???and heros are in oly yet....1200 pvp at 1st top rank...wtf is going on?
  9. Server Is new And Wiped??Or the last server? :-*
  10. This server close for night and open every 5:30 brazil time....lol...
  11. and where is Download link dude???one more server gone to up with fail features...!! :not bad:
  12. PLSSSS stfu i click the start button and again nothing go play pacman pls
  13. maybe server is offline that the way u can login try again...
  14. If all kids leave the server becouse have 19 online never server grow up so stay and bring your friend to the server to stay alive...ok??and then u can see 60-70 online omg man....and man what u need to like server easyier farm and 60buff slot omg go play x50k serevr and safe max +20 bb
  15. Nop man if need something else pm me in game :) Ober0n
  16. http://www.4shared.com/rar/7fvBdnuE/Oath_Patch.html? have a nice game
  17. or man w8 to upload this patch to 4sharedn and i will give u link
  18. aaa sr my mistake man...then i cant do something...maybe u must wait to finish the same ip downloading...
  19. man use other browser like google chrome/mozila firefox
  20. http://dfiles.eu/files/759vbpila here u are....
  21. Pm me in game Ober0n for anything u want xp/farm.... thnx
  22. I am Not Admin/GM i am player go go guys join Easy Farm And Nice Balance L2 Oath (1000x) Hello, today we are opening L2 Oath to public and we would like to let you know! L2 Oath will run INTERLUDE PTS (OFF) that will offer you quality gameplay. L2 Oath is a simple server made for fun for players that want to pvp a lot and do less pve. The server design is unique and will offer you a lot of fun! Rates: Rate Xp: 1000x Rate Sp: 1000x Rate Party Xp: 2x Rate Party Sp: 2x Rate Drop Adena: 1000x Enchant: Safe Enchant : +4 Weapon Max Enchant : +16 Armor Max Enchant : +10 Server Features: Auto-Learn Skills Balanced Classes Sub-Class System Noblesse System Hero System Duel System Max Subclasses = 3 Max Subclass level = 80 Max Alliances = 3 All Noblesse Skills All Hero Skills Every Buff / Dance / Song / 1 Hour C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills Interlude Skills 100% Working Cursed Weapons Zariche and Akamanah Custom Npcs: Custom Buffer Global Gatekeeper General Shop Class Manager Rebirth Manager Special Shop Farm Zone: Four Sepulchers / Fire Mantra, Water Mantra, Wind Mantra / Adena Catacombs / Ancient Adena Rebirth System: Up to 3 rebirth's that give tatto LV 1, 2, 3 with 5% status bonus. AND MUCH MORE, JUST CHECK IT OUT WHEN ITS LIVE (in few hours) AND SEE IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! DON'T JUDGE BEFORE YOU SEE GL! Join Server is the best for this moment and L2 OFF go go Dont lose time WEBSITE - http://l2oath.tk Patch Link: http://www.4shared.com/rar/7fvBdnuE/Oath_Patch.html?
  23. Server no have dyes and no have ppl on...gl with your server... :LOL:
  24. fail rb jewls with rb never...is pvp serevr no mid to go kill all rbs omg... :you serious?:
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