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Everything posted by MrBean

  1. Bump this server never go up???OMGG
  2. when i go open l2.exe anything happen wtf is going on...???OMG FAIL UPDATER
  3. man admin have to go to hes work is not all the time at hes pc and all work succesfully let luckypower say...come and join... P.S Sorry for mine sux english.... :(
  4. Yes is best server but need ppl so guys join...and have fun....make titans for fast farm and all its ok
  5. Server is best i ever seen i join and i like this...easy farm with titan and easy get s grade wear come on join....server best...!!!! :okey:
  6. U pown me with your dwarf and??..where is the problem??the problem is the fail server u opened with 54 bots in giran...with names (vote1,vote2,vote3,wtbaa1,wtbaa2,......etc) :forever alone like a boss:
  7. 1: Learn Speak English 2: Yes I go to All Farm Zones 2 ppl in farm 1 and nothing to others zones 3: The Best Fail Serevr i ever see....THNX and GL with your Fail Server By SeCreT Rememper Me??? QQ
  8. 54 bot in giran sit :DD nice server...0xa0xa0ax0 one more fail afk bot server....!!!!!!!!!! :not bad:
  9. cant create char fail...!!!
  10. L2 WeedPower - Full Interlude (C6) - L2jHellas Normal Rates RateXp = 150 RateSp = 150 RateDropAdena = 200 Rate Party Xp/Sp = 2 Rate Spoil Items = 10 Rate Drop Items = 50 Rate Quest Drop = 10 Rate Quests Reward = 10 Enchant Settings: Chance For Normal Scrolls: Weapon NormalWeaponEnchantLevel = 65% Armor NormalArmorEnchantLevel = 65% Jewel NormalJewelryEnchantLevel = 65% Chance For Blessed Scrolls: Weapon BlessWeaponEnchantLevel = 80% Armor BlessArmorEnchantLevel = 80% Jewel BlessJewelryEnchantLevel = 80% Chance For Crystal Scrolls: Weapon CryWeapEnchantLevel = 95% Armor CrystalArmorEnchantLevel = 95% Jewel CrystalJewelryEnchantLevel = 95% Safe enchant: EnchantSafeMax = 3 EnchantSafeMaxFull = 16 Costum NPC: NPC Buffer Gm Shop Pk-Killer Aug NPC General: Dedicated 30 Buffs slots + 4 Divine Max subclass: 3 - 1:30 Hours Buffs - 4 slots for Debuff Skills - 1:30 Hour buffs time - System Skill Reload On Restart - A-S grades are at gm shop for adena - Olympiad System - Weapon augmentation - New clan system - Death penalty - Pet System - Hero skills System - NPC buffer with all buffs included (without resists). - Gludio main town trade center & GM shops. - Olympiad system Every 1 Weeks (Full Working). - Anti Boot System. - Balanced Classes & Skills. - 100% Working Augmentation. - 100% Working Fusion Skills. - 100% Working Geodata. and mutch more..!! Dedicated Server Informations Fujitsu PRIMERGY MX130 S2 AMD Opteronâ„¢ 3280, 8 Cores, 8x 2.4 GHz 16 GB DDR3-RAM 2x 2,000 GB SATA II-HDD, 7.2 Site Link: Comming Soon!!! Forum Link: Comming Soon!!!
  11. Look For GMSHOP until a..and S weps NO SA and S Armor Unsealed....pedes help....guys help me...!!!! Thank's All!!!
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