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Posts posted by Mobius

  1. Ok after trying to find a decent l2 interlude server with substacks base+3 and failed, i would like to start my own for all player here in Argentina. Iwas reading this forum but cant find clean answer about wich l2j project is alive and have substack (multiskill) base+3 with gmshop/buff npc on it.


    Ill appreciate any response..


    How does sub-stack work?

    Just have the skills of all your character subclasses active on your main?

    Sounds simple enough to make on any project.

  2. To shut you up once more...



    It's hard to accept fact that you are just based on work of others? Sad.  **baaaduuuummm tsss*** 

    Look above what I wrote about you and your team.

    Started with shitty l2s lindvior or what was that, then moved on l2j ertheia which was released, then moved on l2junity free files and now synchronizing changes from free version... ultra sad storka. You never finished anything (not mentioning classic project..cause it was dead from start). **baaaduuuummm tsss*** 

    Have you finished HighFive? Ertheia? IO? Underground? Helios?

    What are you without our contributions? Nothing. Just fucking leecher. **baaaduuuummm tsss*** 

    Again, look above what I wrote about you and your team.


    Think about that why you don't have any team...because noone wants to work with leecher...***baaaduuuummm tsss*** 

    Look above... I have a team. People that support what I do.

    We already saw what you can do with L2jUnity files.. thanks god that you are downgrading your own pack. **baaaduuuummm tsss*** 

    Your first free release was shit. Not my words, check your forum bug reports.



    ...and ...you're a retard.





    Remember L2Gold? L2Pride? L2Cerberus? 
    All where using files based on L2J before Gracia Final, python was the least of their problems.
    Most people still remember them as good servers.

    Also... :P

    If someone uses your free revision to make a new fork
    adds missing features that you do not work on, nor accept

    and finaly finishes Interlude...

    Is he a leecher? :D

  3. @Gladicek
    Once more you are full of shit, keep repeating what makes you feel nice to yourself.

    Hint: It's not that I do not have coding standards as l2-scripts, I just choose to be more flexible from your team.


    Think this about your team...

    What are you without the contributions of your team?

    A big full Zero. You will be wrecked if all others leave you.



    What is the big picture if my team leaves me?

    hmmm... nothing? I will keep developing as already am?



    It's funny you mentioned l2-scripts as non-retail. Maybe it is...

    But 5 years ago I took that shit and made it work, while L2J was still working on H5 Dragon Valley.

    Based on L2S... on my own...

    Imagine what I can do with L2JUnity files. :D



    Stop comparing your pack with Frozen. :)

    Frozen is more like L2S (scoria), while Mobius and Unity are both L2J based.
    aCis could "achive" Interlude if you also stopped reworking stuff and focused on mising AI-features.
    It is not 2006, servers now are better than Pentium 4 @ 1.2 Ghz, have more than 1GB RAM and 10mbps connection.
    Performance is good, but at the end you are a game emulator.
    People notice the missing features, not the 10MB RAM you saved for using some new data Map.
  4. Boreis na xrisimopoieiseis ta idi yparxon skills.


    An o xarakthras exei Heavy Armor Mastery kai theleis na varaei ligorero me bow

    sto <for> tou skill kane mul (polaplasiase) me arnitiko noumero h' sub (afairese) to value (rAtk) pou theleis.


    Peretero boreis na ftiaxeis ena <table> wste na afaireis diaforetiko pososto tou stat ana skill level.

    Sta arxika level isws na mi theleis na afaireis stats. :P


    Rixe mia matia sto pws doulevoun ta idi yparxonta skill.

  5. No, thanks. I would rather leave team than work with leecher aka Mobius. 


    So, using the work that someone has shared for free on the internet is leeching...

    Once more you proven your idiocy and hate towards me.


    Why we don't work together?


    My project is all about make things work, no matter the implementation method.

    Use magic as long as it gets the job done, don't think about future implementations, etc...

    I depend a lot on people that want to contribute small datapack stuff. Things that matter for players.


    What I don't like on L2JUnity, is that they have so much dev power and use it to make things properly. :D

    I have no quarrel with any of L2JUnity members and actually use their work, but...

    Instead of refactoring stuff, these guys could finish any chronicle like, instantly.


    So you must understand that the two projects, even if similar, move at seperate directions.

  6. Even if my worries are on my own Classic development and for my taste these are not the greatest files...

    I do not think that these are backdoored, corrupted?... really?


    Overall impressions.


    From a first look these files are based to leaked l2scripts 1.5 files.

    They feel crappy, but stuff have been made (Underground leaked files source?),

    if someone uses my old l2p files as a reference they can counter that.


    At the end of they day, they work, no major game breaking bugs are visible.

    If you want them to be more "retail" it's up to you.


    Even if they are precompiled, these guys share their work for free, I give them props for that.

    I hope they will implement more Classic features.

  7. This video demonstrates the client translation based on Helios dat files and a custom tutorial guide, since client events do not work for now.

    All spawns are removed so you will see only quest related npcs plus a walker at the end of the video.


    It is worth mentioning that by using Helios client dat files and since I have not deprecated any of the item XMLs

    you can use R grade items... get over level 80... etc... ...not bad for PvP servers :)



  8. From a first look map seems the same with 1.0, but it is based on Helios NA client so I guess it must be 2.0


    I am really into replacing the whole map with Interlude maps. :P

    But I will need patched system and fileedit for Helios, which I do not have.


    For now I use Helios translations and the result is not bad at all.

    It is not retail anyways, I use NPC walkers, ships and other stuff that 1.0 did not have for sure.

    I want to make it Interlude like, even if it is not retail.

  9. Mobius Classic is a private Classic project, that I will occasionally have fun with.

    It is NOT a retail, good to go live project.

    And have no intention of releasing these files or share with anyone that wants to help.

    At least not in the near future.


    I made this post to keep track some of the developing progress and maybe find some people interested in helping. Maybe in some time I will rent a server and run it there so people can log into and see how things go.


    This project is new and not related to my previous classic release.

    It is based on my private files, but everything will be removed, items, spawns, scripts, etc.

    So at the begining it will be a blank project with zero functionality.

    I will work on these files based on whats need to be done first, based on user comments.


    If you are interested, you can help with either client modifications, parsing data to the datapack or plain reports of what needs to be done.

    Here is a list of things that I could use a hand with:

    -Patched NA Helios system (fully editable).

    -File Editor for dat files.

    -Client translation.

    -Parsing data from client dat files to XML.

    -Parsing site information to the datapack.

    -Sniff spawns from retail servers (Innova).

    -Sniff htmls from retail servers (Innova).

  10. I used your sources after a couple (former?), team members of L2jUnity prohibited me to do so.

    You stoped and publicated your project. After I went private, you decided to do it as well...

    Good luck working without your team. At least I am used to work alone.


    I can give some pointers to anyone that wants to test the your free files.

    Try skill enchanting, using Sweeper skill, enter a buff zone like Fantasy Isle.


    UnAfraid said in his L2J post that the files where not perfect, but damn...

    all your pro-talk all those months is proven shit after seen these things.

  11. I don't like that much IL and H5 just because it lack of content. Yeah, pvp is more balanced there but you have nothing to do. It's easy and fast to get everything :)

    Helios will bring us lot of reworks and new features (gl Mobius).


    Thank you.

    I hope you will do a better job than the unstable files already shared that you bragged about for months.

    Wish you the best.

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