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Posts posted by Mobius

  1. I don't really get what are (would be) your problems, except opcodes/packet structures and datapack related stuff. It can't be worst than L2JIL, with all the exploits && terrible coding skills from 2008.


    I agree about the private work part, a big number of chronicles would be already ended if ppl were less selfish. Then the point would be to update all packs with same engines : knownlist system, geoengine, etc.


    If correctly led (without the need to rewrite EVERYTHING), L2J would be ended since few years already (at least easily up to GF).


    It's not just deleting stuff to go back to IL. I work on adding stuff 8 clients after High Five.


    Unlike you, I will not rework anything, L2J kept fine with Java 1.6 on Epilogue files on worst machines than the ones that exist today. I actually want to finish High Five.


    Your Interlude pack is pretty much ready as well, you can also stop rewriting everything. Even on older revisions you have better files than L2J. :P

  2. The point is that High Five, one way or another, is done.

    Maybe not 100% retail, but pretty accurate for a long gone chronicle.

    Even the worst High Five project that exists on the net, it is not facing the problems that I had with goddess development by a long shot.

    It should be shared a long time ago, but once more people just keep their work private.

    Sharing my current work would be more than enough. And I am sure that time will prove me right.

  3. Don't worry, I've always worked on multiple projects. I even plan to work on the upcoming Helios update.


    L2J never had multiple branch support, meh... yes they replied to some questions here and there, but in overal it has focused on HighFive for years.

    The only actual work made on other branches was on Ertheia by current L2jUnity members.


    Realistically I can't finish GoD on my own, noone can. I rely on contributions made by other people, it's a team work.

    But HighFive, after all those stalling years, is finishable. Unlike L2J, I don't mind using/leeching code that already exists on the web, shamelessly.

    And this is what seperated me originally from L2J, I just want things done. L2J waits for years with broken stuff until they are done "properly".

  4. Honestly am a big fan of L2jServer and what it stands for.
    But sadly, even before the DMCA shutdown, there where no significant updates.

    Not only that, but making a server out of the box, would result to failure.


    You will say, failure? Are you such a noob, you can't make a HighFive server?

    Well.. a year ago, a friend of mine, organised and runned a big server with over than 2000 online people, made from people that had previously worked on other servers.

    There where 6 developers, 2 client modders and 6 community administrators that where involved with the server.

    It has been years since that I had seen such a great and active community.


    What went bad? Why it failed?

    We had a two week closed Beta with about 20 testers, that reported everything working fine. So we went live...

    Since that day, with 2000 people online, there was not a day passing by, without a bug been reported to us!

    We even got a couple extra developers to assist in fixing the files, but bug reports where literally storming us.

    Basic stuff working on L2jServer Gracia/Freya branch where totally screwed!


    So... yes... failure!


    I am cooking up some HighFive files... based on those files...

    Removing other peoples work from them. Syncing some changes I made on my GoD project.


    You will say, why on earth would we want some files that where proven to be that bad?

    Why? Because they are better compared to the latest L2jServer files.  ;D


    Stay tuned...

  5. You act like you haven't read those scripts.

    I took a look at them 2-3 days ago, while I made various code rework on my project.

    L2J AIs are "badly" written, following "retail logic" and over-complicating script on many cases.

    I would simple choose not to do that on a new project.


    Take a step further from core AI and see NPC instances.

    By todays L2J server scripting potential, they have absolutelly no reason to exist, they may as well have their own script managing them.

    From my point of view, its like having two systems doing the same thing.

  6. So, finally :), AI system and knownlists.


    I would build a more simplified system for how character AIs and their knownlists are managed.

    Also I would definetly not use copy paste retail logic, based on leaked files, I would do what it is expected to be done from a players point of view.

    That would help keep it really simplified and optimised.


    Like a basic character AI that players, npcs and monsters would extend it.

    If an NPC or Monster would need something special, I would make a script for it.

  7. @Tryskell

    From scratch, means from scratch.

    Of cource you can use code from L2J and re-write it, but why? Is L2J that great?


    All the things I mentioned on the first post are basically the core of a server,
    thus rewriting them from L2J will limit you on what must be done, maybe take more time to adapt follow L2Js logic.


    My oppinion is that if you could reuse something from L2J it would be very beneficial. But I would not follow this approach.

    I would do some research, maybe talk with some other develepors on how they feel and do what would seem the best solution for now.



    You already do something like this, but on C :P

    I just want to use Java, because after all those years I feel more familiar with it.

    Java is actually pretty good for an MMO server, take for example project RedDwarf.

  8. Never said I will start a new project.
    Although I started making an abstact mmo server some months ago. :D


    If you'll know me, you will get for a fact that I always work on multiple projects. Lineage or not. :P


    About L2J-Mobius is not just my project, it's open source and many people contribute on it, it's more of a hobby,

    if you actually take some time and check it, you will see that its progress is quite impressive compared to other similar projects.


    And... to stay on topic...

    I have seen noobs making servers for random mmos in a couple of months.

    Crappy code, but actually working emulation. Check ragezone forums as a proof.

    So don't mind telling me this is impossible.

  9. How would you make a server from scratch?

    Asumming there was no other project to get as a base.


    To make it more interesting lets asume you would only want to support the Awakening client.

    A kinda new client with no access to sniff info from retail or other servers.


    Elaborate on...

    -Server/Client packet handling system.

    -Skills engine.

    -Scripting system.

    -Geodata handling.

    -Database system based on MySQL.


    What else you think it would be important to elaborate on?


    Please keep conversation serious an on topic.

  10. It really looks that some people are bothered by the fact that anyone can make XML data.


    I had my fan-times with generating geodata in the past, but buildzone seems broken on latest clients (on purpose?).

    I did not create a tempfix. I try to overcome a long existing problem by making something on my own, that anyone can use.

    My walls implementation uses less CPU and RAM than geodata checking. Why? Less data to calculate than actual geodata blocks.

    They are even better than the current door or zone data checking that already exists on all packs for years. Nno quadruple checks due to their flat nature, no gameobject implementions, just plain data checks.

    As a second system it doesn't affect the performance of the server, since you can disable one or the other.


    Are XML data more accurate than geodata? No.

    But they... do the job pretty well, are easier to generate, easier to improve, use less system resources and are 100% free.

    If you don't like them, don't use them and don't hit on my nerves.

  11. 2rpblsn.jpg


    Implementation of XML LoS walls.



    I made these to help with the lack of geodata on some areas.

    Don't know how they would work on a big scale, but as a small scale utility its nice to have.


    -Geodata can be totaly disabled, they are not needed in order to work, that was the basic idea. :P

    -Included data\walls\giran_arena.xml as example.


    Additional stuff to make management easier:

    -Config in General.ini to disable them.
    -Updated reload command (//reload wall) to reload changes on live servers.

    -New command //showwalls to view them in game.

  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/199376-l2velvet-classic-open-source-project


    Is this L2JMobius base rev 990 Ertheia Protocol your Classic 2.0?


    For your information (which you already noticed i guess) that does not even reach Classic v0.4, its 99% incomplete, so don't mention it to the Community mentioning as 2.0 please, as IpotoniC said: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/199263-private-classic-server/?p=2529614 your throwing sand to the Private Classic Servers...


    Anyway Good Luck, you will need it


    Wow! 99% incomplete?

    Please define what doesn't work as "it should" on my Classic pack.

    It may help Elfocrash for his development...

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