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About xLegacy

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello L2 Brand.
  2. Your wrong, it is 1 player clan, and every time there are new randoms in it :D About the "All flood protections" we will see if it stands online more than 1-2 hours at a time. I have a feeling that this server will fail very fast.
  3. up for this server
  4. ok... so an aproximate opening date ?
  5. Yea, in the videos, Dagger,Archer,Tyrant with Apella Heavy and IC = WIN. Put anti-heavy or you can take your server and shove it up ...
  6. http://l2might.zzl.org/index-2.html
  7. Ask a moderator to change the date, because ppl will expect it to open on 15, and UP i will join. And btw put the site in the topic.
  8. +1
  9. Aha, 60 ppl online and i walk with 5 seconds delay :))
  10. ok... let's say up
  11. Thank you man, it's awesome, great job.
  12. Nick: Legacy Text 1: http://legacy.lineage2.com/Knowledge/images/elemental_master.jpg + Elemental Master (it would be great if you could make the icon look better) Text 2: Equilibrium Clan Render: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=zy63yq&s=5#.UkaDvz-ODVA TY & GL, and i can't w8 to see the results.
  13. http://i40.tinypic.com/zy63yq.png http://legacy.lineage2.com/Knowledge/images/elemental_master.jpg Signature: nick: Legacy text: Icon from 2nd link + Elemental Master text2: Equilibrium Clan Thank you and can't w8 to see what you do.
  14. Up for you
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