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About nLastre

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    Haters gonna hate

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. WTS LIST: -Bright talisman lv 3 -Earth belt -Cloak of darkness -water pendeant +8 -maj robe set 3/3/3/4 -Themis thonge - Yul Lv8 -Talisman of insolence Lv6 Discord: Lastre LaCroix#6558 Payment method: Paypal
  2. -OVERLORD LV 85 full epic jewelry + Quest available SOLD All atributes stage 3 Fire Lv 4 25€ Naked -Donation Pound stock 2k+ 10DP/0,50eur Discord: Lastre LaCroix#6558 Payment method: Paypal
  3. WTS LIST: Majestic Heavy set unsealed +6 Sirras Blade +3 Soul Bow +3 Lot of active augments Black cloak Pendeant +8 Land belt
  4. WTS LIST: 2x Talisman of insolence VI 2x DC Robe set +6 1x Majestic robe set +6 1x Branch of the mother three +3 Chance: paralyze lv 6 1x Daimon Crystal +3 Active: paralyze lv 8 400+x XP Rune box 1x Nebula old neck lv 3 1x Petram old neck lv 3 1x Accesory +1 dex +1 wit 400kk adena 300 DP SOLD (also a lot of stuff like broochs, agathion brazalet, scrolls, runes active augments etc...) feel free to ask for any item *2x Character lv 83 6 mounth premium all active daily missions* (if u want for change class) Add me on discord (Lastre LaCroix#6558) or pm here.
  5. WTS Mystic Muse Lv 85 /75/75/75 Noblesse Skills: Hydroblast +15, Fear +15, Robe mastery +15, Freezing skin +15, Vortrex +12 The rest are +10 + Gear: Vesper Noble robe set +3/3/3/3/3 900+ Sigil +3 Vesper Caster +4 300 Full Vesper Jwel set and Vorpal earring Olf t-shirt +5 20€ ALL. Contact here or Discord -> Lastre LaCroix#6558
  6. WTS 81 MM PREMIUM ACC (DC SET + VALHALA ACU lot of pc points) skills +10, Cabrio, all epic Quest Pm here 30 EUR
  7. 2kkk Adena 3x Demon Daggers 1x Lance +4 1x Deadman's Glory +7 1x Iss Lv 8 1x Othell Lv 13 1x Feoh super Lv 13 1x Cloak of light 2x Cloak of darkness 1x Afro hair Dex+1 wit+1 1x Wizard Hat Dex +1 wit +1 1x Spirit staff (Celestial shield active) 2x BW Robe +6 set 1x Tallum Heavy set (Sealed) 1x Drake leather set +8 1x Drake leather set +10 1x BW Heavy set +3 1x SOES +6 Feoh Super lv 13 1x Talisman of insolence Lv4
  8. WTS ARCHMAGE LV 85/75/75/75 Noblesse +18 Fear +19 Prominence +20 Robe mastery GEAR: -Vesper Dual Swords +4 300 FIRE -Vesper Buster +4 Acumen 300 FIRE - Vesper noble robe set +6/6/6/4/4 -Blessed Freya -Full Vorpal jwel 1,5kkk + adena ALL for 5€ PM Here or skype: Lastre94 *Also selling only the items if interested
  10. ADENA STOCK 400KK 10€ / 100kk WTS TH LVL 75 + email Items: -DC light set -Soul sepp - common -Phoenix common jwl set -Chic silver cheapeau -Cloack of greenery (unlimited weight) -Greater Wolf lvl 67 With MID EQ (No name) WTS MM 82 + email -Subclass cat 75 -Noblesse -ALL lvl 81/82 FS learned Items: - DC ROBE SET - SOV ACUMEN - Phoenix common jwl set -Wizard hat 10€ TH Paypal only as a gift 30€ MM Paypal only as a gift pm on skype Lastre94
  11. Diamond V account with all champs, 20 rune pages, all usefull runes Almost all MID champ skins with email etc Paypal only price 50$ pm me on skype: Lastre94
  12. Date of scam: 2013.02.13. MSN: Gerard: wladimirx2010@gmail.com Real name: Gerard Janiszewski Scam method: I payed him 20eur via paypal, then he blocked me from skype. Server: RPG-CLUB x3 Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=263190.0 Who did the scammer scam: Me Additional Info: He's a fcking scammer scrub.
  13. WTB adena On empire x3 server RPG-CLUB 0.05€ = 1kk or less, pm here or skype Lastre94
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