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Everything posted by Ghosted

  1. Take in mind: Interface link -> patch_v0.2b Patch link -> Interface Make sure you are using interface from my patch link, or you can simply read the original post thanks to google translator.
  2. Here, download both links in order to make it work. Make sure to use Interface.u from patch link. Interface: http://rawr.su/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=10989 Patch: http://rawr.su/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=11799 Credits: http://rawr.su/topic/2519-ochen-krutoj-patch-by-edkith-dlya-high-five/
  3. Already found ppl to work in L2 Faction my service is not available anymore! DELETE
  4. woow :o many people interested in the things I have 8)
  5. already tested my speed... I can support more than 55 players without lag
  6. Ok, i will try! here is the link for interested ppl http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=253019.0
  7. hello, I want to offer my computer to host a server Faction of any chronicle Details - DirectX - CPU-Z +AMD Raedon HD 6600 Series 1024MB Any questions?
  8. looks like................. yes :'( unless you give me server files without bugs 8)
  9. Sorry but I have no idea! If I follow that guide, I will finish my server in 3 years, 71 days and 11 seconds! I rather to use newbie but already finished filesxD __ Thanks anyways :p
  10. sorry but I dont understand you... This is a server that is running right now? If you mean server files, can you give me link? because I find nothing with that name. Thanks anyways!
  11. Hello guys, Im new creating l2 servers and especially in this forum. I want to create a faction based server. Searching, I found this thread http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=227665.0 but his server files has problems/bugs and I dont know how to fix it. So... Can you post here download link of working faction files of ANY CHRONICLE? I really apreciate answers, thanks.
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