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Angel Of Death

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Everything posted by Angel Of Death

  1. Edw soy leei oti den yparxei to arxeio "C:\Downloads\Directlinks\Rome Setup\snols~1.cab" i oti den mporei na to anoiksei...
  2. Just use teamviewer (that's what i use).
  3. An electric piano, is a real piano with hammers and strings, but the strings are amplified with magnetic pick-ups like an electric guitar, these pianos are really rare. Digital pianos on the other hand, have recorded sounds that are played-back when their buttons are pressed (Synthesizers), these pianos can get pretty sophisticated, with weighted keys and increased sound samples.
  4. I don't think there's a free version of Dreamweaver (I could be wrong though), i'am only aware of the trial/warez version.
  5. An enoeis oti i glwssa toy keyboard einai gyrismeni sta ellinika, tote prepei na baleis gia default glwssa ta agglika, etsi wste ka8e program poy anoigeis na einai gyrismeno sta agglika. Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and languages > Change keyboards... - Default input language: English (United States) - US > OK > OK.
  6. Teamviewer has VPN and it works quite well (did it with Supreme Commander - worked like a charm :P ). LogMeIn/Hamachi also have VPN program, both free & pro versions available (These can make mass VPN).
  7. Pi8anonata kai exoyn kaei kapoia pins apo ta kalwdia toy reymatos, dokimase na (ant-)allakseis ta kalwdia mesa sto koyti gia na deis an ftainei ta kalwdia, alliws dokimase me ena allo trofodotiko gia na eisai sigoyros.
  8. VERY VERY Good to know, thnx.
  9. An kleinei to pc (oxi restart), ftaiei to trofodotiko soy kai den exei sxesi me to leitoyrgiko.
  10. 1> Sigoyra 8a exeis problima, giati i yparksi toy program files (x86) simainei pws ta windows poy exeis einai 64-bit kai etsi exoyn dimioyrgi8ei 2 fakeloi gia na apo8ikeyoyn tis x64 kai x86 efarmoges ksexwrista... 2> Den kserw an ftaiei to keyboard..
  11. NOOO UFOs ARE REAL WTF !?!?!? Just kidding :P I don't think UFOs are fake OR real.. I just believe that you can't have an opinion about something you 're not familiar with ..
  12. Oi selides PHP DEN einai dynato na ginoyn r.i.p., giati to host frontizei na soy stelnei html se ka8e request, mono to html kommati tis selidas mporeis na kaneis r.i.p., ektws bebaia ki an hackareis to host kai pareis twn kwdika toy alloy...
  13. An enoeis pollapla HomePages sto firefox, tote nai mporeis, bazontas sta options sto homepage osa sites 8es xwrizontas ta me "|" xwris kena.
  14. Pigaine "C:\windows\minidump\" kane post ta arxeia edw, gia na analy8oyn kai na ma8oyme ti ftaiei...
  15. Try to save the sub files as unicode, instead of utf8 or ansi...
  16. Angel Of Death


  17. Angel Of Death


    It does it continuously, or once in a while ? If it's the first, you probably got a virus/hardware problem. If it's the second, you've got some software that's causing your operating system to crash (blue screen) and you probably haven't set the right options to show the BSOD instead of restarting, go check C:\Windows\minidump, if there are any dump files in there, post them here, they need to be debugged to find the root of the problem.
  18. An exeis Vista/Se7en den ti8etai 8ema, apla kaneis install to analogo language pack apo windows updates kai eisai ok. An exeis XP, prepei na breis kai na katebaseis to Greek MUI Pack gia XP kai na to baleis, meta rr kai meta allazeis glwssa sto interface apo control panel. Fysika to 2o einai paranomo kai 8a prepei na psakseis se warez.
  19. Ta 32-bit anagnwrizoyn mexri 4 GiB Synolikis RAM, enw ta 64-bit mexri 192 GiB Synolikis RAM ...
  20. CoD MW2, simply because I prefer Shooting to MMORPG & the game is pretty well-made/upgraded since Cod4 MW.
  21. OMG to psilo-xesame, tespa to 8ema einai oti exoyn en meri dikio, o tropos poy to proebalan bebaia den einai kai o kalyteros..
  22. Freeware -> Orbit Shareware -> Internet Download Manager
  23. Pff kala to flame paei synnefo, AMD/Intel, 8ema goystoy/tsepis einai, to atomo poy anoikse to thread prepei na exei idi apofasisei. PS: Time to Lock, i guess.
  24. The Stripes are too big, should be smaller & thinner.
  25. CHUCK FlashForward How I Met Your Mother Two and a Half Men Heroes
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