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Posts posted by Blane

  1. yeah i am agreeing with Finito because we have a secret affair and i want people know.


    Oh you should wake up.5 years ago you were downloading Need For Speed Carbon for torrent sites and now you are crying for copyrights. Oh cmon.I smell retardness.


    Blane, the Drama-Queen

    You can continue supporting your stupid/non-sense thoughts but did you even put yourself in other people (kinda poor for a pro web-template) shoes? I don't think so.


    Oh and something else.You need a pair of brains to troll.Posting stupid memes make you look even more stupid. Stop the drama and get a life,jeez.


    (You even failed the y u no meme format)


    You're dumb kiddo. But I'll quit the flame. Again, learn to use manners.




    According to your poor brain everybody should get EVERYTHING for free. We don't live in a utopia. We need money to live. Poor people do exist. This is fact but YOU kiddo, CAN'T CHANGE the universe by starting at maxcheaters.


    Get real, dumb!

  2. Oh Blane quit the drama.Do you know how many people re-sell or sell the things that other people paid me to make in a Client developing level of Lineage 2? And i am not talking for a 2 hours work.Values over 200 euros and tons of hours.I never said a single thing.You know why?Because i got the money and either way i would not sell again the same thing because it was exceptional.This makes it unique.If someone shares it is loses the value but as long as i won't sell it again either way i don't care.The think that this web template is shared by someone actually means that someone bought it from xDrag and that guy shared it or leeched it. Who cares though? xDrag got the money.I don't think that someone will use it again and again as long as it is now shared and xDrag wouldn't re-sell it either way.


    Pirates where there before you and me and they will be there after you and me. Just stop being a drama queen.It doesn't even worth it.


    Take care and quit bitching out.




    Do you hear what you say? So according to your incredible logic, when I buy a game (let's say) from a store for a certain amount of money, then I should give the game EVERYWHERE for free.


    Oh gosh...




    The artist himself decides if his product is unique or not. There's no priviledge for you to decide or SHARE his copyrighted work. This is illegal and ethically WRONG.


    You also should claim for copyrights for your work if you have seen it uploaded for free.


    Wake up GUYS!


    Oh and:


    i am waiting for his answer but i think he swallowed his tongue


    No don't worry. At least I support my thoughts having valid arguments. You just support the idea because you don't give a single fuck for other's work and you always support the staff (usual case, SINCE AGES). Anyway, next time, use MANNERS.

  3. Even if you consider it at a simple share, the files were on sale so they are considered warez.


    Either way you gotta delete the topic.


    No. According to Finito's mind we can share everything.





    I remember nothing than flaming over everything, and opening leeching forums.


    Anyways,its a cheating/sharing forum, jeez


    Do you consider yourself a normal thinking person? Can't you get that what you're saying is insane and mad? Com' on bro, I know you, you never were such a person... :/


    Eh! BanHammer? What you're looking at? You said you are a good judge who provides justice. Don't you think this is not right?

  4. There should be actual respect from forum itself to people, when they have actually done something worthful for the forumban for actual sharing something ?



    Oh god. It's not SHARING SOMETHING. It's sharing copyrighted material and good work from a respected designer who wanted to show his work in our FORUM and got eventually disrespected from you guys.


    This is tragic and a shame for both the staff and the forum itself.

    Sorry for being rude, but this has gone out of my logic...

  5. that's a fact not an excuse.  i agree with you..


    At least there are still some people with sense.

    I really dont have something to write,Blane talked for me.


    At least there are still some people with sense.

  6. you're talking for something that should be exist on this forum from very beginning,but this is how it is so what did you expect now?


    There is no respect here,scammers & lickers ruling this hood long time now ,everybody knows it.


    And that's an excuse? There should be some respect for some people imo. It's not PAIN to ban this kiddo out of this forum, it's just that the staff doesn't care.


    I really feel sorry for this situation maxcheaters has come to.

  7. That's your opinion, ask people that can eventually get some new things from forum(not this, more things can come out) finally.


    I just hope xDrac could come and claim for copyrights. It'd be real fun to see the reactions. Sorry finito, even that I generally support your "ALL FREE" idea, some things should be respected and eventually your argument for me is invalid. I hope for a better tomorrow, rethink of some ethical stuff and refactor your ideas about sharing. There are some bounds. EVERYWHERE.

  8. 'a member of the site'


    So, do everything anyone wants, just cause someone is member of the site?

    They use the forum just to sell something or to troll...since he hasn't done anything valuable for the site, why should his work be 'exclusive' and some others, not?


    I know it sounds kinda...too much for now, but you shall get used to it.


    There are many people that got their works shared here- but they didnt come back threatening and flaming(This would be a reason to just kick them out itself, lol) - instead, they did acted cool and did something better.


    Maxcheaters had become such a soft forum lately, for real.



    And by the way, many things in the world are not right. In order to continue, you cant please everyone.


    So your saying not only it's not abusive but it's an advantage? :P It makes me laugh. Sharing xDrac's work for free would help him make better designs? That's non-sense and who said I ever agreed when someone shares a copyrighted material (not ms office, not million-saling apps etc) which has been made exclusively for this forum and SHOULD BE RESPECTED.


    What ever. It's fail. A HUGE FAIL!

  9. But when talking about exploits, or any other shares, its perfectly fine? There are TONS of warez and copyrighted stuff EVERYWHERE in this forum and the internet webz.


    So practically, you want all shared topics to be selfmade, for what?Practically, it offers the same to me, or anyone browsing the forum, no matter who did that.


    Either successfully protect it, or dont bitch when they are shared laters. Are you/anyone else gonna go in every forum and cry about beeing removed? Even if he does so, such thing will never happen.


    THIS is not an excuse. What abou exploits? Supposing this is a cheating forum, there may be hacks/exploits and stuff and there are tons of them, yes... SINCE AGES. xDrac is a forum member and showed his work here in order someone buys it and then an other KIDDO shared the work for free. Does this makes sense? What's the excuse? I don't think that selling microsoft office in VIP section would harm miscrosoft since YES it's stupid to share warez in a cheating forum but still SHARING AN ART MADE FROM A MEMBER OF THIS SITE is right?


    It's madness. Clearly. And there's no excuse. Since when there's the excuse : "Wow this guy sells this template for 150 euro (LOL)"? LOL? ABOUT WHAT IS "LOL"? Kiddos don't have money, they don't appreciate other's work and they want it for free. This is SHAME for xDrac and other designers that show their work in mxc.


    Nah, whatever, I don't have a voice anymore in this forum, but at least I can make topics. Hear me or not, you know it's ridiculous...

  10. Α καλά.


    Καλά σόρρυ, προσωπική άποψη δε λέω.


    Απλά από τότε που αναγνωρίσαμε το ουρλιαχτό και τον ήχο του ξεράσματος μπροστά σε ένα μικρόφωνο ως "τραγουδάρα" χάσαμε την έννοια της μουσικής...


    Anyway δεν γουστάρω να μαλώσω αλλά καλό θα ήταν οι μουσικές να έχουν ένα ίχνος τέχνης που για μένα σε αυτό το κομμάτι ο τύπος απλά ουρλιάζει και γκαρίζει...

  11. Μα πως και δεν τους έστειλαν; Ο ένας τύπος έχει τη φωνή της Ντόρας της εξερευνήτριας και ο άλλος ξερνάει στο μικρόφωνο που και που μέσα στο κομμάτι.


    Και γαμώ τις μουσικές, και γαμώ τα φωνητικά.

  12. leei -beep-ies dn to vlepeis? esy dld 8a tou dwseis? ama eisai toso leftas kai sou kremontai apo ta batzakia dwse


    Δεν είναι το θέμα αν θα το δώσω ή όχι. Άμα στην τελική το βρίσκεις παράλογο μην απαντήσεις καν. Ο καθένας έχει δικαίωμα να ποστάρει ό,τι θέλει...


    Λίγο ψυχραιμία δηλαδή...

  13. apo warez torrent to katevasa man den 3erw an ine nulled.


    kati akoma eine parapanomo na xrisimipiiso ta files tis vbulletin. dld ti ginete troo prostimo? eine megalo?


    Παραβιάζεις πνευματικά δικαιώματα και ναι αν σε πιάσουν, ναι προφανώς και θα φας πρόστιμο. Αν το κατέβασες από torrent είναι nulled και κατά πάσα πιθανότητα είναι χαλασμένο για να σου πετάει αυτό το error. Αν δείς εδώ θα δεις ότι κοστίζει κανονικά...

  14. pipes les


    Ρε ΠΑΣ ΚΑΛΑ; Άντε κοιτάξου σε κανένα ψυχίατρο πρωί πρωί που σου 'ρθε να βρίσεις 13χρονο να πούμε...


    Ω ρε προβλήματα που τραβάνε κάποιοι κάποιοι εδώ μέσα... -.-

  15. magkes paw na kano install vBulletin kai mou vgazi to eksis error.


    Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/l2esthus/public_html/gamehunt/includes/class_core.php on line 1429


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FOR, expecting ')' in /home/l2esthus/public_html/gamehunt/includes/class_core.php on line 1429


    ti kano la8os? prepei na prostheso kati ekei dld? kai pos vrisko pio line eine..? an prepei na prostheso kati,.


    Λέει line 1429 στο class_core.php πρέπει να έχει ξεχάσει μια παρένθεση. Ωστόσο αν δεν τον πείραξες μάλλον το vBulletin που κατέβασες είναι "χαλασμένο". Nulled να υποθέσω;

  16. Dude...


    http://pay2paid.com/page.php?pid=6 "






    width=904 height=768http://i40.tinypic.com/2z4ag5i.jpg[/img]




    width=886 height=768http://i40.tinypic.com/swp7aw.jpg[/img]


    You really have to prevent SQL Injections by sanitizing the data being sent from $_GET and $_POST Arrays.... its really bad practice to put data directly to your SQL from a GET or POST request.


    seems strange, since I escaped properly the values. Maybe the hosted php version doesn't support a function I used.. anyway problem fixed, thanks for reporting...

  17. y mono pou den eida ti elegan

    to mono pou prolava na dw eitan


    O Anonymos Egine Eponumos

    kai mpeike sta athlitika

    molis eixa anoiksei tin TV

    poios exei to provlima ?


    Βρεεε βρε να μη σου πω πανάθεμά σε! Πως διάολο αναφέρεστε σε κάτι χωρίς να έχετε ιδέα τι είναι; Όχι πείτε μου..

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