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Posts posted by Blane

  1. Μια χαρά είναι εδώ στα Γιάννενα. ;o


    Ρε μαλάκα εδώ κάτω είναι ο ΠΙΟ άγευστος γαμημένος μουσακάς που έχω δοκιμάσει -.-"


    Είμαι ο μόνος που αν δεν υπάρχει φέτα δεν μπορεί να φάει;


    Όχι. Φέτα μάστ!


    πείνασα -.-"



    Άσχετο αλλά από ΑΒ είναι αίσχος ρε μαλάκα -.-". Πάρε Μπαρμπαστάθη να νιώσεις ηδονή!

  3. Awsome professional work as always! ;-)


    Even the preview is small to check details (even with zoom) the only thing I noticed and didn't like is the buttons (next-prev) in the pagination and the vote button in th right hand side of the template. You could try something smaller or even remove the box and leave text-links.


    Great job again! Not my style but I really respect your designs. If you're interested in coding I'd be proud to code one of your templates ;-)



  4. And again. Inspiring from something doesn't make it a crime. As soon as he designed his own intro there's nothing you can tell about my design.


    Ripping a website and presenting it as your own IS a crime. That's it :)

  5. using System;

    class Lab1Ex1


    public static void Main()





    string username = Console.ReadLine();


    string password = Console.ReadLine();


    if (username == "admin" && password == "admin")


    Console.WriteLine("You are now logged !!!\n");




    Console.WriteLine("MiniProject C#\n");


    Console.WriteLine("1 - Ypologismos Ginomenou");

    Console.WriteLine("2 - Megistos Koinos Diairetis");

    Console.WriteLine("3 - 3psifioi Arithmoi Harshad");

    Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit\n");


    Console.Write("Epiloges (1,2,3,or 0): ");




    string menu;

    menu = Console.ReadLine();

    switch (menu)


    case "1":

    Console.WriteLine("1o Erwmima.");


    case "2":

    Console.WriteLine("2o erwtima.");


    case "3":

    Console.WriteLine("3o erwtima.");


    case "0":




    Console.WriteLine("Lathos Epilogi!!!", menu);







    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Username Or Password !!!");






    Δεν μπορώ να βάλω την επανάληψη [do while (menu != "0" && menu != "0");] ώστε να γυρίζει συνέχεια στο μενού μεχρι ο χρηστης να πατήσει το 0....


    Αυτό ακριβώς πρέπει να κάνεις. Δηλαδή...


    Console.WriteLine("1 - Ypologismos Ginomenou");
    Console.WriteLine("2 - Megistos Koinos Diairetis");
    Console.WriteLine("3 - 3psifioi Arithmoi Harshad");
    Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit\n");
    Console.Write("Epiloges (1,2,3,or 0): ");
    menu = Console.ReadLine();
    while (menu != "0") { 
           // Χειρισμός των επιλογών όπως έχεις ήδη κάνει με switch ;)
           Console.WriteLine("1 - Ypologismos Ginomenou");
           Console.WriteLine("2 - Megistos Koinos Diairetis");
           Console.WriteLine("3 - 3psifioi Arithmoi Harshad");
           Console.WriteLine("0 - Exit\n");  
           Console.Write("Epiloges (1,2,3,or 0): ");
           menu = Console.ReadLine();

  6. Are you joking? after the last episode ended i was ready to  break my laptop because its ended. Its the best series ever.


    I was a big fan of LOST. What about game of thrones concept? :P Can you tell me a bit 'bout it?

  7. Και αυτό είναι project? Ω θεέ μου τι σκατά σας μαθαίνουν...


    Τέσπα on the point:


    Για το "μενού επιλογών" η λογική είναι να τρέξεις έναν ατέρμων βρόγχο (while (true) {}) και να εμφανίζεις τις επιλογές καθώς και να παίρνεις είσοδο από το χρήστη. Ανάλογα τι θα πατήσει καλείς και ένα συγκεκριμένο function που θα κάνει ό,τι ζητάει το κάθε ερώτημα. Μόλις τελειώσει το function, θα γυρίσει στο menu επιλογών (ο ατέρμων βρόγχος του while) και θα μπορεί ο άλλος να ξαναπατήσει ό,τι θέλει. Άμα πατήσει 0, κάνεις break από το βρόγχο και τερματίζεις το πρόγραμμά σου κανονικά. Όσο για τα υπόλοιπα ερωτήματα, είναι πολύ απλά και δεν απαιτούν πάνω από μισή ώρα γραψίματος.


    Ελπίζω να βοήθησα...

  8. pathetic guy is the guy who is trying to claim a copyright on mxc forum lul


    Nah whatever. Just from your answers I can understand you're amature. Can't talk.


    Do as you wish. This is pointless for me (staff is too lazy to ban/warn/dekarma this kid...).

  9. Neither you nor Finito nor anybody should decide about how many times xDrac should sell his product. It's HIS not YOURS and if you want it for free, PAY FOR IT. 


    and here is my share x]


    You can define whatever you want for "your share". Please, don't be pathetic.

  10. ok bro i have good explanation for that .


    mxc.com = cheat,shares,bots bla bla bla bla forum (we know what it is )

    trade section in that forum is just and " category " so people can advertise

    and get money cuz of mxc.com !


    http://xdrac.deviantart.com = is gallery where u can buy his work right ?



    so now u want to change whole FREE mxc.com forum cuz of the shares becasue xdrac is doing amazing designes getting money for each rly good money and selling them xxx times ?

    like finito said " if he will be rly good designer he could sell one file to one guy" and then dont give a -beep- if that guy share that website or not cuz he got his money .



    Ps. Nikoloudos7 what about l2off files ? made by vang demp's and other dev's who spend xxxxxx more time on file then xdrac on his design ? u like them to be free right ? if u want to delete my topic OK no problem but then delete all shares with l2off's l2j bots exploits themles and much much more cuz thats just " disrespect for authors " .

    Ps. also when u are buying design from xdrac is he is showing u all licence for photoshop plugins and all other stuffs ( just to respect everyone rights )


    Hey hey! I see what you mean right there and by one side you can say it's true. But. It's all about ethics. I personally disagree when someone shares a work which has been done with a certain a m o u n t of time and passion. Especially when the member is in the same community. xDrac is a great designer and the cost for those designs IS low either you get it or not, the prices in the design companies are WAY HIGHER and you should not disrespect him or his work and by doing such shares you ARE disrespecting him. Neither you nor Finito nor anybody should decide about how many times xDrac should sell his product. It's HIS not YOURS and if you want it for free, PAY FOR IT.

  11. if ur rule will be accepted i can make u sure that i will start selling everything what is on share section .


    Mate don't be mad and chill out. When something is yours you can either sell it or share it right? Do you find it right to handle others work by your own without even care for what the actual creators say for your act?

  12. I have some good answers for you but i prefer looking at your mad posts.

    Oh and about the kiddo part,i am actually older than you.


    Nvm, you can continue boiling in your madness alone.


    Take care


    And what about your age? You don't know what is my age at first hand. Secondly, according to your behaviour the count of years does not matter at all. You were arrogant and ironic in the first place. I'm not going to convince you, since you're nothing for me. Just an advice: Think my thoughts before you turn mad and post a reply.


    Seriously? I mean, I visit the forum every once in a month, and stay online for less than two minutes, but I couldn't help but reply on this topic.


    To begin with, this is a forum that helps people find and download/use specific resources for free (mostly). However, let's also not forget that it is a forum where people (who, in this case, have also helped the forum a lot with their contributions) and their work are promoted. How are they supposed to make a profit, or at least advertise themselves, when "leechers" are lurking to steal their work and share it without their permission?


    Also, I noticed something Finito said concerning the world, which is not a perfect place, so we should live with it. In which parallel universe MaxCheaters is the world itself? MxC is supposed to be an organised website/forum, run by its Administrator and organised Moderators-team, in order to provide its members with Top-Quality Articles and Shares. If you are to compare MaxCheaters with the injustice of the outside world, then remove all the rankings and Welcome to the Jungle*.


    Last but not least, even if Blane was wrong, how arrogant is it from your side to totally object to what he says, without even giving it a thought? I mean, it's not a coincidence that he's been a member for years and even served as a Global Moderator - his word should have some, if not high, significance. At least "In a perfect world"..


    * Gotta love GnR!



    Hasta la vista.


    Hey bro! Glad to see you here. Thanks for your words :)


    guys i just would like to claim for copyrights ...

    please delete :


    all share's section becasue of :


    laked/shared files of l2off

    also all l2j packs cuz there is some npc what dosent have license for it .

    whole web share's  also delete bot'ing section and exploits cuz thats again's the rights of ncsoft .

    and please leave only report section and talk section .



    (fighter for copy rights in "maxcheaters.com forum - the forum with cheats,shares,exploits,bots,etc)


    Yeah right:


    Things that were on sale on maxcheaters,shouldn't be allowed to share them for free on maxcheaters because you just fck your own members and simultaneously these members that got facked, be sure they putted your forum in blacklist.


    Could you please now shut your mouth kid?


    Guys again! I'm not police, I'm not ACTA. I don't fight for my work since it's private and not shared in maxcheaters (cause of such topics and behaviours). I just wanted to support xDrac and his amazing work which according to you IT DOESN'T COST, IT'S WORTHLESS and fight for it. You shall not give such arguments about bots/l2j/l2off files etc... Either you want it or not, all the content here should be exploits/hacks/bots and such things that are really common for a cheating community I guess. But some work FROM the members here should not be handled in ANY WAY from someone else in the same community without permission, especially when it's in SALE and not shared for free.


    To sum up.


    - When something is shared, then it's SHARED, it's free.

    - When something is on sale, then you MUST (either you're poor or not) buy it to use it.


    Abusing others work is NOT RIGHT. Got it? Your arguments are totally invalid.

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