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Posts posted by Blane

  1. A true OS is not being babysat by the creators and actually being allowed to change what ever the -beep- you want. Linux is a fine example of this. You really should quit being a raging macfag, it does not make you look cool nor intelligent, quite the opposite really.


    I didn't know, that if you want to change something in a video, you have to edit your kernel's core. Tbh, you don't even know me. I really like Linux, I use linux, I used them and I'll be using them for programming and more advanced stuff. I still, love to have an OS that's TOP right now, even if it's closed-source. Windows are closed too. Unix anyway are TOP.



    look this and -beep- iphones and iphone4 and 3gs and 5 and even iphone 1821


    HHAHAHAHAHAH. It's ridiculous boy. Please go to an other topic and cry for your bling-bling Samsung device ;-) . Apple gave the lights to everybody kiddo, stick to this idea and stop spamming my thread with links from an e-shop. Get more mature...

  2. who you call kid nab? cry more i don't play l2 and what i do and say i searched deeper than you do fanboy

    better shut your mouth than attacking to me in what i am saying

    if was the true OS then why only 4% of ppl using it?

    get that the technology that apple has is bought by Samsung and just shut up

    even the screen they wanted to make it flexible for the crashes and even this HTC sensation got it


    Keep reading Microsoft-fanboys-created statistics and keep your mouth shut, when you don't know a shit about Macintosh and Apple. Keep crying over and over again for not having a powerful operating system MUCH more flexible and stable from windows. Stop listening to your friends and cut the all the bullshits about Samsung selling technology to Apple. It's a shame for the company AND you. Now stay away from this topic and if you want better and more secure information about technology STOP searching google.



  3. well even i am hater you must accept that mac is just for multimedia not an "OS"

    friends designers photoshopers and etc. are using mac laptops and PC's cause thats easier and a more beautiful interface

    accept that ordinary users are more and thats why windows have more


    How could YOU KID know. You're getting on my nerves. Multimedia means image editing, video editing, programming, photos, friends and so much more. When you get mature and sto play L2, you might be able to understand the power of a true OS. For know, stay on "Not Responding" notices and be happy.

  4. Blane I think Samsung Galaxy S2 and the new S3 will be better than iPhone 4 and 4S. Can you tell me your opinion?


    Well indeed, Samsung and the rest companies will continue to upgrade their products just the way it was with PC's. To be honest, I've used android and I still love to work with iOS. For me,

    iOS > Android. So for me, there's no need to have a COMPUTER in my hands. The point is to have a phone which can achieve more things from a regular phone, with a spectacular way. ;-)


    Rest in Peace Steve Jobs  :(



    It's a black day for Apple and Technology. Surely a "man beyond his time" died and there's a huge loss. Creative people and minds are always important for all societies. R.I.P.


    i got htc desire hd

    really better specifications than iphone 4 so cry me a river

    same with galaxy S 3 and mobile phones with even 3d that apple make 3d in 20 years

    even LG has 3d mobile phone ROFL


    Yeah really take your shitty samsung/htc and if you don't have problems within 3 months then tell me.


    You're on my mind. Thanks for this response.

  5. Iphone4s HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA great dissapointment, very big inovating spects, not like everyone saw that comming, how else are they gonna bump up the price to like 50% more for the same crap. Dual core consumes more battery and the 1450 mAh will surelly be enough, because everyone uses there dual core power to facebook and twitter and mail in orther to stay constantlly on 3g, so you wont fell any battery drain (regarding there low power 3g consumption tech). No LTE!!!

    Its really gonna compete with the quad core nVidia tegra that samsung will put on there phones. Or the qualcomm quadcore full HD screen resolution x64 chip. Way to go apple for inovating and staying right bellow the belt line in quality/price market


    One of the most hilarious posts I've ever seen.


    Well to be honest, the changes I saw yesterday aren't indeed innovative. But wait, who was the one to gave the lights to the whole industry? Who the heck was the one who build an OS for a mobile? Who did invented the first real tablet computer? Who has the more sales since smartphones invented?


    How could the other "children" like Samsung or LG speak about smartphones? It's ridiculous. And you know what? Yeah maybe the new nVIDIA quad-core is a new step to smartphones but that's Apple. They re-invented the phone and YET they can lead the way in its development. You can follow Android fans in their way to top and be sure, the time I see an innovation from Samsung or LG or w/e I'll congratulate them.


    Please think who's the mother of all, before you bring bling-bling quad-cores with android in my topic.

  6. Still waiting for iphone 7 till then i`ll stick with android. 3years of so called inovation and every iphone looks the same as well as the ui for it its a damn shame caous they make really good hardware and built quality; Ios is borring


    For those who don't search for mods & apps it IS boring just like any other mobile OS in the world. Please, don't desrespect the most inovative company in the world.

  7. i created this in some minutes i didn't check it about sql injection

    but i think only blind sql injection will work because anything you will type as a char name its prints a picture.

    anyway i will fix it later.


    Well yeah, but since it's gonna get printed it might be dangerous. Anyway it's just a function you need to add. The rest of the script seems to be fine. Nice job!

  8. Because now on it's so innactive.. Btw i got my i-phone 4 for those who dont know :*


    I'm not really motivated to update topics here. There are blogs to express your opinion and find stuff. Nowadays, besides some sites I need to focus on (clients) I do have a personal big project coming up, so, please if do have the mood, keep speaking and updating stuff as replies.


    Thanks in advance!

  9. Συνήθως τέτοιες πληροφορίες δεν είναι ανοιχτές προς τα σένα. Δοκίμασε να ανοίξεις το .exe με το OlyDebbugger (δεν θυμάμαι πως γράφεται) και δες τι μπορείς να κάνεις με τις εντολές assembly εκεί μέσα.

  10. Απλα ενημερωτικα, οταν απευθυνομαστε σε 2ο Πληθυντικο, χρησιμοποιουμε ''ε'' και οχι ''αι''

    Ο αδερφος μου στην 1η δημοτικου το εκανε αυτο ;D


    Μετα μου λετε οτι φταινε τα pc, αυτα ειναι βασικα πραγματα ...


    Ηλίας, Ήρω


    Ήνωμενες πολιτείες της Αμερικής






    Ναι, και επίσης βάζουμε τόνους. Μα δεν το καταλαβαίνω...

  11. kay kay..thank you guys.

    btw, iphone 3gs,does it worth the money? :D


    Save some money to get the latest iPhone and I'd suggest you wait till this FALL and the next iPhone 4S/5 (rumors...)

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