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Everything posted by Silverwind

  1. I'm looking for a "partner" to start my own PPD journey. I will upload my niches to my account and then send my earnings to your paypal (Yeah, I don't have PP because I'm 17 y/o) and then you will send my earnings to my bank account. If someone is interested, pm me. PS: The transfer fees are deducted from my earnings so you don't pay anything.
  2. Trusted! He registered a domain for me in less than 25 minutes!
  3. Golden Retriever και δεν ακούω λέξη :D
  4. Wanna buy a domain name (.net) asap with PSC! Pm me for infos/prices
  5. If I won't get accepted I'll pm you. Thanks :D
  6. Alright, I got really tired with shitcash and its fail offers. I got around 79 clicks and most of those who picked a survey complained that it won't simply unlock after they completed it. And because of that, I'm moving. What do you suggest? Filefire (custom landing pages <3), FileIce or Cleanfiles?
  7. Suprise Party Fiddle won't change. Get your facts straight.
  8. Alright: These in two days (My first time in PPDs) Why can't they complete a survey?!?!?!?!
  9. Can they use a proxy?
  10. Well, I made an account in Shitcash, uploaded my files (promoted them ofc) and then some members of my blog complained about the surveys. They said the surveys required them to pay via SMS. WUT?
  11. That.
  12. Bump! I also accept low prices! (If you are trusted, I give the account credentials first. )
  13. Damnation is a clan which is going to play here and we are recruiting! Requirements You must be 18 years old. (or more) You must speak English. You must respect the other players in our clan. We do not accept any kind of harassment on other players. To make your application, reply here.
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