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Everything posted by `PrivaTe

  1. So? ^^
  2. bes lgo msn
  3. gt 8a to anikseis pali tlka?
  4. poio re?
  5. So? C'mon i really need it.
  6. Εεε.. στα αρχίδια μας.
  7. how many on? reply me asap .. i wanna try
  8. ok. true.
  9. i dont have a good reason for unban, didnt do something bad.. there are guys acting more bad than me..trolling flaming but they are still here.. dont force me to say names.. all of us know them. I wasnt flaming, i was trolling a bit.. and that's all. But you was to mad with me and with the first chance ban.
  10. Some days after this mass unban i got banned. Thanks for your good words guys, i appreciate it :)
  11. Hello there, long time now i'm banned cause of Finito..he was mad with me cause sometimes i was jokking and with the first chance he banned me, 4 ever. But now i really need my old account ( PrivaTe ) .. if you would like to know something then tell me. Gimme a chance, thanks.
  12. eisai skoupidi
  13. se 3-4-5 xronia
  14. afou kaneis mlkia pou beneis twra re mlka
  15. afou adexeis...
  16. I didnt understand how can i get the likes for any of my comments , explain it ...
  17. Ψηφίζω Μαρία της Γειτονιάς, πάντως ξέχασες ένα εξίσου πολύ σημαντικό πρόσωπο.. Κορίνα η Αγριόγατα.
  18. Δες τα πμ σου λίγο.
  19. Και πολύ καλά έκαναν, ΕΞΩ Η ΒΡΟΜΙΑ !!
  20. [GR] Σιγά ηλίθιε εσύ, το παλικάρι είναι νέο μέλος και θέλει πραγματικά βοήθεια.. αμέσως να το παίξεις ιστορία.. κιοφτέ.
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