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Everything posted by PrinceNikos13

  1. Man let them talk... Pm me and i will give you something very interresting...
  2. auto?
  3. ena 15aro einai me ktel mazi me tis staseis... pare ose
  4. Kai egw 8elw na euxi8w xronia polla ston kolito mou ton Gianni kai ton Gianni ton pario pou m'asresei...
  5. 3erei kaneis na mou pei pws 8a mporousa na antigrapsw mia perioxi opws oi filakes se allo meros tou xarth?
  6. Boring only daily's not much to do... WoW diying guyzzz
  7. Man this is to obvious and none will fall for this... I dont think its the best you could do to bring ppl to your site...
  8. I think if blizzard dont change the game to make it a bit harder with more pvp and raids and less daily quests... more defferent things to do... it will get much more borring that it is right now... and i think its the most expensive on line game so it will die soon...
  9. Eyxaristoume file...
  10. Thanks man kai epsaxna enan... gt autos pou eixa ftia3ei den douleue swsta...
  11. Poia buffer man... kalutera rwta sto post pou brikes ton sigkekrimeno buffer...
  12. Thanks for sharing man...
  13. Man this is the best for a PvP server... Thnx a lot
  14. Ty man me ena mikro edit sta items mou einai oti prepei...
  15. tote checkare to adikimeno mesa apo to multisell analoga me to poio code h programa exeis xrisimopoihsei apo edw mesa to ikonidio tou antikhmenou pou 8a poulas einai se diaforetiko simeio (anaferete ennow) kalutera rwta apeu8eias auton pou eftia3e to code...
  16. Meta to .colour bazeis ena apo ta epitrepta colours sta opoia einai ri8mismeno to code? + * Black = 000000 + * Red = FF0000 + * Green = 00FF00 + * Blue = 0000FF + * Yellow = FFFF00
  17. logiko na sou bgazei error... den 3erw apo pou to pires to code alla zita na sto steiloun apeu8eias an ginete... h oi admin tou forum na bgalloun ta beep apo ta code...
  18. File pes mas pio pack xrisimopoieis kai ti akribws 8es na alla3eis sta items pou eipes kai tote an exei kapoios xrono kai ore3h mporei na se boh8isei... twra kai na 8elei kapoios den mporei...
  19. pes mas to modem sou... h conn-x exei dwsei arketa modem ton teleutaio kairo...
  20. tsekare to ini kai to firewall twn windows...
  21. Wraia lista pragmatika exei oti xriazesete o ka8enas kai akoma perissotera...
  22. Wraia lista pragmatika exei oti xriazesete o ka8enas kai akoma perissotera...
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