Frintezza Necklace +6
2xFrintezza necklace
Zaken +4
Blessed Freya Necklace
Blessed Freya Necklace +6
Vesper earring +9 ring +8
Elegia earring +6 ring +6
Elegia robe set +6 full 120
Elegia light set +6 100/120
Elegia robe set +6 60/120
Skull bow +f+7+300 holy
Skull bow +f+5+300 holy
Skull bow +4+230 dark
+10 Striped Mithril Shirt +cp
~15kkk adena
~2kk oly token
2x Epic set with valakas
1x Epic set with oe'd Frintezza
Vorpal L set +10 full 120
Vorpal L set +10+9+8+6+6 3x120
Vesper Sigil +10
Elegia Sigil +10
Elegia Shield +10
Elegia earring +8 / Ring +8
2x Vesper earring +12
2x Vesper ring +11
TOP A Belt + pvp skill attack
TOP A Belt + pvp defense
TOP S Belt + pvp defense
Mid s84 mage sword +a+7+300
Character's account:
NOTE: All Characters accounts are being sold without any important item/ equipment.
But all this char's have all important buff stick's + pimp auguments / quest items / some oly tokens / fame 15k+ etc etc etc....
(for more info about account's contact via private message)
Hierophant lvl 85 some important skills average enchanted. (nobless with 1 sub 75) 2x hero
Fortune Seeker lvl 85 all skills on MAX lvl enchantment (+15/+30). (nobless with 3 sub lvl 80). ~15x Hero
Trickster lvl 85 all skills enchanted on MAX lvl enchantment. ( nobless with 3 subclass lvl80) 8x hero
Elemental Master lvl85 all skills enchanted on MAX lvl enchantment. ( nobless w/ 3subclass lvl80). ~33x hero
IF you are interested in anything or you have some questions about characters account/ items information and prices send me a private message with your contact :
(Skype/ msn/ gmail/ facebook)