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About madbill

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  1. Καλησπερα παιδια,παιζω τα ρεστα μου σε αυτο το θρεντ.Παλευω με ενα προβλημα περιπου 10 μερες.Προσπαθησα να κανω upgrade τα client files του interlude με αυτα ενως gracia final(apo files tou criticalerror)και οταν εκανα copy-paste τα αρχεια(animation/l2text/maps/staticmeshes/system/systemtextures/textures),το l2.exe σταματησε να δουλευει. Κατεβασα το engine.dll που δινεται σαν λυση στο συγκεκριμενο προβλημα αλλα δεν δουλεψε.Επειτα κατεβασα ενα ολοκληρο client(Celestine fix) και αυτο ανοιγει αλλα οταν προσπαθω να αλλαξω το l2.ini για να loggarw,τοτε δεν ανοιγει ξανα το l2.Στο task manager βλεπω ενα l2.exe. Για καποιο λογο νιωθω οτι μπορει να εγινε μαλακια με τα fonts.Δεν ειμαι σιγουρος γι αυτο. Τι δοκιμασα? -Διαφορετικα L2 editors -Upgrade/downgrade drivers GPU -Uninstall+clean files απο 3-4 διαφορετικα αρχεια IL -Προφανως το engine.dll οπως λεω και παραπανω -Delete/hide asiahm-medium font -Run l2.exe με compatibility Vista/Xp/etc etc Πριν φτασω στην τελευταια πιστα που ειναι το format,εχει καποιος ετσω και μια ιδεα γτ μπορει να brickare ετσι το συστημα?
  2. Well to me its a marathon,not a 100m sprint.I will continue to have fun while editing and failing again and again and who knows,maybe in the future i will be able to show what i did to the world. The real surprise for me was that every1 who contact me was really helpfull and very polite. Gl to everyone and thank you.You really clarify my cloudy view.
  3. Thank you for your reply.I am sorry about the confusion with the acronym 'fg',my dyslexia some times strikes back hard.I was reffering to Gracia final. I had no idea that aCis was deticated to IL.I was clueless.I chose this Sef because i was under the impression tha it's the most stable. I hope for goold luck with your projects and im really greatfull for your advices.Knowledge come with a price these days.Im still gonna try with the upgrade even without much awarness of coding. I see what you are saying about XMLs,i will do that. You are right.i was reffering to Gracia Final as 'fg'.As i mentionted before i had no idea that aCis stand for another custom interlude server(im using this sef atm).This whole missunderstanding prompted by my tiny understanding of l2 emu+coding. @An4rchyi swept the web but i was unable to find the right data i need to do what you're talking about.
  4. Thank you for your reply.i did that,creating a new .xml and adding the data of the weapon but when i try to create it in game,a message that dont exist comes.(the custom weapon i dled have an .sql table as well) I use your pack btw(thank you for your share) My 1st question is:How possible is to 'upgrade' an interlude client to an fg on l2acis.I did my reserach and i was not able to find a fg acis pack. To clarify it more.Is it possible to be an interlude 'engine' but looking like fg?
  5. Hello.im ultra noob and im experimenting with an l2 interlude server(l2 acis-public-master)My first questin is how possible is for some1 to upgrade on acis project an interlude server to a fg.Im on really early stage of that try and the progress is really slow with a lot of error. The 2nd question is something else.im trying to import some of @CriticalError shares(btw thanks mates,cool shares) but when i add the sql part on the folder where all the other sql are i cant see it on navicat.I tried to import it manually but i get an error ([ERR] 1146 - Table '12.custom_weapon' doesn't exist)-->(12 is my db).I can understand that there is no table that stores the weapon stats.So where are those stats stored? P.S i know i will never go live probably but its really a way to express my creativity.Thanks in advance.
  6. I changed the java path on eclipse too..plus i checked my java path,it's the one i edited by echo %PATH%.I have 2 eclipses.The one i used for my former project final gracia and another one new..I use the old one cause my new pops a message i dont understand..Do you have a clue why that happen??It really cant be that hard,i just miss something http://imgur.com/QmzJjsP Edit:i did as xSweets said and find build.xml..I used 2 java 7 to be sure but it seems that that's not the problem
  7. Thanks for the responding but i already find it at the google search and it did not work at all..As i told before,im not an expert but i think it's something about java and i dunno what.I followed as the guide said Edit:I'm telling this because even if i remove the whole l2jserver.jar change nothing..That's why i think it's in the jave section the problem
  8. Im not an expert so i cant tell you what to do.I can tell you what i did.I copied the lines of S grade penalty and added to a unique passive of Titan for example only when he is using bow..It's simply a copy-paste and a bit more
  9. i have done the compile succesfully but to be sure i did it again.It's not that..Omw trying to find at build.xml Edit:LOL i cant find the build.xml.found it.XML say that java7 is required..Dunno why it's not working with my 1.7.0_17.Should i try another 7 version maybe?
  10. I made my mind and tried a new project cause that 'custom' really made me anxious about what you mention..But i have a java problem[i think].I think my path is wrong and my gameserver dont run.What can i do?My project is still l2j and client is Freya.And the java i use is 1.7.0_17 or 1.8.0_65 http://imgur.com/wTCnPeh
  11. Thank you very much
  12. Yes that's what i said.But it still dont work..I think that's the idea on FG.That the .XML have only stats and the other intel exist on SQL..But it's that i told before..I did all this and nothing..So in my despair i asked my self..Why it's better to work on Final Gracia and not Freya??It seems that freya it's easier at least on XML side and still has some more benefits..The only thing i dont know it's if FG is more stable than Freya Edit:Someone who saw it,said to me that my project it's not the official L2j,but some custom project..What should i do?Continue on this?Change to l2j FG[dunno if still exist on their site]or change to another chronicle??
  13. So back to the server side.The weaps i have is something like this[Freya Client]: <set name="weapon_type" val="sword" /> <set name="bodypart" val="rhand" /> <set name="attack_range" val="40" /> <set name="damage_range" val="" /> <set name="immediate_effect" val="1" /> <set name="material" val="adamantaite" /> <set name="crystal_type" val="s" /> <set name="weight" val="1" /> <set name="soulshots" val="1" /> <set name="spiritshots" val="1" /> and in FG client the weapons are like this: item id="6590" name="Angel Slayer - Critical Damage"> <for> <set val="246" order="0x08" stat="pAtk"/> <set val="132" order="0x08" stat="mAtk"/> <set val="12" order="0x08" stat="rCrit"/> <add val="-3" order="0x10" stat="accCombat"/> <set val="433" order="0x08" stat="pAtkSpd"/> <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="pAtk"/> <enchant val="0" order="0x0C" stat="mAtk"/> </for> Now in FG client the intel about rhand,material exist in a table on SQL named weapons..So i thinked that if i make the XML look like FG and create a new entry at SQL it would work.Well it didnt.still say that item dont exist Is there anyone that know how can i make it work??Or at least why it isn't working..Or it's what mate told before,that for some weapons it cant be happen
  14. I used the clean system but then all of a sudden l2 dont even start running..Yes of course i change the .ini..Dunno what else to do.[i dl the gracia patched system on the link.that's the one for the final gracia right?]
  15. Hello friend and thanks for responding.Where can i find a clean client?..If i'm not wrong system does not exist when you install a client,and since Ncsoft stop support fg since 2007 where can i find one??I pasted a system of another server in order to work.
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