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Everything posted by HotBlazingStar

  1. my proofs were deleted. you guys don't understand this situation. anyway Zake scam me and you save his ass. good luck with him. if someone want to get proof, pm me.
  2. Matthew, after this post there were many another posts and proof included.
  3. almost all cards were used by one 200 euro purchasing and Zake told that he took only 85 euro.. explain me how this can be?
  4. I posted yesterday, Zake deleted it, I will send it to you by pm.
  5. just answer to me, who deleted my posts with proof about your scam? I want to speak with him. or show me rules on this forum, where I can read that corruption and scams is allowed here by moderators, then I will stop this. if someone want to see proof about Zake scam me, pm me, I will show you.
  6. if I post proof here, what this will change? will you punish him? read what he wrote here, that my fault was, that I send him cards when he was offline.. and he don't know who use my card, then he told that he got 75 euro only, but card balance show me that all cards were used buy one trade 200+ euro. is it serious?
  7. muhahaha, wtf, nice place for scam? You can scam people and then deleted all posts about this :) good luck.
  8. please, send me my money and problem will end. will you send it to me or not? should I post proves about this incident or you give me my money and show that you are real trusted trader?
  9. you told, that some my cards was used and you took only 75 euros, but when I check balance it is writing that all cards were taking from one trade for 200 euro and only not euro paysafecards was took for another trade, so you tried to scam me from the begin and now tell here that you don't know what happened. Why you so lie? What is the reason? I can post here the proves in screen shots and people will scary to trade with you, because you are scammer. I trade with you many euro before and I can trade thousands euro in the future, but you decided to scam me. Why? You have personals problems or you just usual scammer?
  10. man, I sent cards to you at 5th of July, you was online and made trades with other persons at 5th of July, check this thread's posts at this date, lol, you lie like a kid, you took my money from my cards at 5th of July. Where is my money? I can make screen shots of pms, cards balance and post here and all will know that you are scammer! You scam me for 229 euro! Not trusted trader, I will post all screen shots here later as a prove.
  11. I can believe to you, before last exchange all was fine and fast for me too. but now you can see what is happening.
  12. you was missing, but you used all my card in that day when I sent it to you, I am waiting 2 weeks for 229 euro exchange and this is not your fault, cool story.. tell me the date when I will get my money. why other people get money fast and I should wait 2 weeks?
  13. when this will happen? send me what you have now and then the other, I need the money, 2 weeks passed
  14. well, I checked all cards. I sent cards to you at 5th of July and all my cards were used at 5th of July, this is a joke? I can make screen shots outgoing message and all cards payment and put it here. Or your are insolent scammer or you mistaken. Where are my money for my 229 euro paysafecards?
  15. you kidding me, where is my money? two weeks, lol. I am working with paysafecars 2 years, never I had such situation, when so many cards were used and you didn't show me what codes were used.
  16. where is my money? I gave you 200+ euro paysafecards two weeks ago. Now you told that many cards not work or used and you will give me only 75 euro and forgot about me yesterday? You look like a scammer. People don't give me used card, because I can punish them.
  17. trusted, had good deals, thank you Zake! ;)
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