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Everything posted by alexxx

  1. Thief lvl 80 100 SP Full exotic armor (berserker) Gear 2 x Exotic daggers (berserker stats) 1 x Exotic sword (berserker stats) 2 x Exotic pistols (berserker stats) 5 x Exotic jewlery 1 set of Rare magic find armor 1 rare pistol with magic find stats Midnight Ice Dye applied 100% map (reward items not used) Story mode complete lots of mats in stash pm me with offers or reply to this thread
  2. best wvw server is desolation atm
  3. anyone tried this guy?
  4. anyone got banned with this?
  5. once i enchanted around 100 demon daggers on retail! the last dagger left (higher) was +7 and i broke it for +8 now.. WHERE IS THE LOGIC MENZ? what they say about enchanting somewhere w/o lag and many ppl is also dogppoop i 've made many ++weaps and +6 sets in full Girans and failed many low enchants on deserted areas i ve also heard a rumor about chinese farmers having some method ( program or figured out some algorithm or something ) for almost safe enchanting
  6. lameguard makes it impossible to use any 3rd party program lately on most good priv servers it's kinda F..ed up cuz it has to do with encrypting packets and from what i ve heard even if someone decrypts them, its easy for the server admin to change the encrytion and u ll have to start from zero again.. is it as bad as it sounds? anyone working on it or made any progress? or should we give up hope on servers that use this lame protection?
  7. bump. any news about bypassing Lameguard? this security rly starts to piss me off >:(
  8. could this work to enchant Master Yogi's staff too?
  9. δουλεύει ρολόι το τελευταίο l2net oog. αλλά walker ακόμα δεν βρήκα τίποτα >:(
  10. oog walker ψάχνω φίλε μου. ευχαριστώ
  11. το oog δεν είναι blocked γιατί το l2net oog δουλεύει ρολόι. το l2walker oog είναι το θέμα
  12. ευχαριστώ θα το ψάξω...
  13. όλοι μας το έχουμε το πρόβλημα τελικά... αρχίζω να πιστεύω πως είναι θέμα του σέρβερ και οχι του walker :(
  14. μου βγάζει αυτό τώρα... όπως και στον rejected 00:23:45 »¶Σ­ΚΉΣΓΠΠΥί΅£www.ToWalker.com 00:23:48 Link LoginServer Succeed. 00:23:50 Access failed. Please try again later. . 00:23:50 ->Login LoginServer Fail. Ένα χέρι βοήθειας ρε παίδες
  15. ναι το γνωρίζω.... ενδιαφέρομαι για το walker κυρίως.
  16. αν γνωριζεται κατι για το oοg καποιο οδηγο η καποιες ρυθμισεις για τον συγκεκριμενο σερβερ παρακαλω δωστε εδω καποιο λινκ. ενδιαφερομαι μονο για το l2waker διοτι και το L2net 'τρωει' αρκετη ραμ ευχριστω
  17. tha ithela mia voithia sxetika me l2waker oog gia ton http://www.cosmosl2.eu/. ingame exw kai douleuei roloi.apla to palio pc den shkwnei 4 client kai xreiazomai oog... thanks
  18. what's this [ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR : THREAD[23] LINE[360] : failed to get line 360
  19. hello anyone has made stuck subs in this server? (khadia x5000) it l2j. a lot of people use extraordinary skills in oly can someone check and reply? ty
  20. anyone know a working IG walker/>
  21. yes l2 net orks fine .... but IG is the problem
  22. help me to find something that working on http://www.l2tns.com/ ty
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