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Everything posted by cyberghoser1

  1. Someone from here did and he where very satisfied but now i see this http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=219114.0 and the thread is kinda very similar to dennis's one so i don't know...
  2. I talked with him too, he seems ok to me i checked him, well if i can say that :p
  3. Well said scrubs, well said, actually i am not a premium member of l2sigmo, i was interested but not anymore, major reason was that matim will be in the project i just can't trust klebitz/vhalior, no offense but that's it.
  4. As the title says i want to exchange 2x10 euro paysafe to Paypal, i dont go first, been already scammed so only trusted members please, at least the ones i can see in the forum.
  5. Lock this one please.
  6. Is this feature gonna be available in L2Sigmo as well?
  7. Κανονικα πρεπει να ζητηζεις βοηθεια εδω: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0 και αυτο που θες ειναι ολα εδω: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  8. Scammer: Ceptimus Paysafe to Paypal, 10 euros Proofs: Chat Log: Theo says: hello, first if you are greek lets speak greek otherwise keep it that way Ferb says: nai ellhnas eimai Theo says: wraia loipon exw mia paysafe twn 10 pou den tin xreiazomai Ferb says: gia thn paysafe sou sou dinw 8 euro paypal Theo says: nai eida to pm sou, mia xara einai, thelw na rwtisw merika pragmata me to paypal mias kai molis to exw anoiksei to logariasmo mou ekei, ti paizei me ta disputes ktl exw dei arketa travala sto forum Ferb says: oti 8es disputes? ti enoeis me to disputes? Theo says: kai kala dinei o enas px tin paysafe ston alon o alos exei kanei idi tin metafora sto paypal kai molis parei tin paysafe kanei dispute sto paypal ta lefta pou esteile kai ta pernei pisw arketa tetia eida Ferb says: auto ginete ean ta exei lavei os gift gift = dn plhroneis ta extra tis paypal service = sto ofeilw sta dinw ( alla h paypal krataei liga ) Theo says: a mono etsi diladi e? egw to vlepw auto otan mou stelneis esu px vlepw an einai gift i oxi? Ferb says: fusika to vlepeis prin kaneis accept pas sta informations tou payment Theo says: ma to thema einai apo ti vlepw se mena kanei accept automatos twra meta apo mia prwti sinalagi pou eixa Ferb says: einai mia ru8misi oste na rotaei ka8e fora. mou thn eixe kanei enas filos alla dn 8umame pws ginete Theo says: na koitaksw ligo? edw eimai den fevgw apla na to exw setarismeno kai egw ok kai episis na sou deiksw proof gia tin paysafe gia sena Ferb says: pare ton xrono sou Theo says: idi h proof kanto save na to deis kala Ferb says: ok Theo says: psaxnw sta settings na dw pou einai to rimadi twra tha mou peis gia 8-10 eurw malakia ala tha mou xreiastei kai sto melon Ferb says: 8es na sou doso to msn tou filou mou ? einai eidikos stis paypal 3erei ta panta psomas legete nomizw ton 3ereis Theo says: a ton psomas nai einai top to paidi auto apo ti eida Ferb says: nai polu kalos Theo says: ok nai ama einai den exw provlima Ferb says: psomas2@windowslive.com dn einai online twra omos Theo says: den peirazei psaxnw tha to vrw to rimadi Ferb says: ok paw na sunexisw thn tainia pou vlepw. Ama to vreis mila mou oste na thn 3anaklhsw ok? Theo says: nai file mou edw tha eimai Ferb says: kai egw opote 8es/ama 8es pes mou na kanoume to trade Theo says: tha to kanoume den to sizitw loipon anyway den to vriskw as to kanoume na teleiwnoume Ferb says: aurio pou 8a bei o psomas rota ton loipon mou dineis paysafecard kai se 1 lepto exeis to lefta sto paypal ( paypal email ? ) Theo says: nai an kai vrika panw katw ala exei na kanei me ta receive You stopped sharing photos Theo says: ok h paysafe einai 0960 6510 3630 3690 to pass tis einai: enaenaena paypal email mou teok28@gmail.com And of course he went offline, and no money received, i dont care so much for 10 euros. [GR] Ceptimus tha ta poume sintoma apo konta, ap'ta stena na pigaineis.
  9. I have a Paysafe card of 10 euros, useless to me, i am trading it for paypal, contact me via pm, thanks.
  10. I see long time inactivity on the svn, why that? Matim left the project for good or what?
  11. Seems its using D8 files from bartudi2 i dont think you are allowed to sell it, but good luck anyway :)
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212959.0 but its retail oriented.
  13. You edit the skills in xml files with the values needed, nerf somes and edit according to what you need, here is a reference: http://www.l2jserver.com/wiki/Skills
  14. Lot of funny posts lately, GL dude
  15. exei dikio o panos ala file mou 200 eurw einai 200 eurw ksereis se ti kairous zoume entaxei kala kanei o flash ontos to pack tou prepei na einai apo ta kalutera alla exoume kai oria giati den einai stragalia, makari na exei sto melon ligo kaluteri timoula etsi tha poulisei kai pio polla kiolas, anyway, apopsi mou.
  16. I didnt say you are wrong, i say for me its not affordable, i prefer to invest more and get an L2OFF instead, java will be java no matter what.
  17. hmm low price 100-120 euros? I dont think so...but anyway whatever anyone can handle :)
  18. Solved with seller and everything is fine, misunderstandings happen some times.
  19. ok i will login to test it, so far i see cool features but lack of time i need everything setted up including farm zones :p
  20. this is the test server or the live server with all the features?
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