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Everything posted by cyberghoser1

  1. ok , fanara is right , i tried only to put the values without copy paste and it works
  2. i don't know guys i tried many itemname-e and armorgp dat files with some l2fileedit i got always this error, anyway thanks for ur time i will find what's wrong :P
  3. Well if we continue to get off-topic i think it will be, ok let it go now :D
  4. Well if any mod have a problem with that just remove my post, btw thanks
  5. thanks killer had to make those two files, I won time with that :P Killer maybe you can help with this error http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/4580/l2fileerrorqk2.jpg i don't know why just when i insert something in a dat file i got this error, if i cute % paste something if i let he file like that and save it back i don't have error and also i did save it in text file then insert all in dat file again but same error occurs ::)
  6. Try to delete your Gameguard folder and then run l2 again
  7. for sure the last pack of l2emu project with Oneo's adds & Fixes is a realy good pack, Titan was good but after that Themental's one is also good, so until next best pack, L2emu project for my part :P
  8. first post updated with new X-Repack by Sector-X Version 2.0.1 Final, i let the old pack too if someone still want it , cheers
  9. where did you see a V5 from Titan Creations ? wierd...
  10. Links 10 & 11 Fixed, be patient next days a totally new repack will be out with a lot of fixes improvement i will post it here of course !
  11. ok upped it for you: http://www.4shared.com/file/21662822/9493029c/L2Multisell.html :)
  12. Guys listen please, dont get grazy from now with this thing, Interlude is working at least now, like i said before, if you want to test kamael just use the first pack shared by jaff, and then make tests by yourself, it takes time to develop new features, core, and databases, so keep up working with interlude at this time, just my opinion btw but i think its the right thing to do now. Cheers
  13. Well u are right i just said that if they want to play on Kamael then use that pack instead of the newbie edition.
  14. Just download the pack that Jaff shared in other topic install it and then import some custom from Domuk's V4 addons that's all
  15. Jaff the xml errors are not so important at this time, the first pack you uploaded, not the newbie one, is working good, i imported in it a buffer a gmshop and ancient adena trader from Domuk V4 Interlude pack and its good, only problem is Admin menu in skills but its all html work there so in last i will say that we maybe have to wait until to move to kamael packs, its realy early don't you think so ? Cheers
  16. sorry to say that but this pack isn't working something about connection tables missing and in phpMyAdmin errors too when opening database...please check it, btw thanks to share it
  17. Its MaNGOS of course i d'ont use Antrix since the core is so bugged, yes you can find him here --> http://elementsunited.myforum.ro , enjoy
  18. thanks :p A litle fix for people who can not select Blood Elfs/Draenei execute this query in navicat: ALTER TABLE `account` ADD `tbc` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `online`; also if you visit you will see a complete wow website for account management :P
  19. FINALLY 2.4.x PANEX SERVERPACK IS AVAILABLE Includes: NCDB Rev 27 - Patch 2.4 Support - Lots of fixes - Added new quests - Fixed Trainers Ascent Trunk 4324 - Patch 2.4 Support - LUA Enabled - Hundreds of bug fixes since last release - VoiceChat MoonScripts r343 - Fully scripted instances - Many fixes Mirror: http://filebeam.com/f273ebb38154eb4d3bf65630c39b1a3a New Repack from Panex Gaming V6.2 Public: YOU MUST HAVE WOW 2.3.3 FOR THIS GREAT REPACK TO WORK NEWEST 6.2 Panex Public ServerPack Inculdes: Includes: NCDB Rev 1111 - Most up to date Database - Lots of fixes - Added new quests - Zul'Aman - Season 3 Arena Items Ascent 4.0 Stable - Level Cap can now be set higher than 70 - Stable Core - Newest Patch Support - LUA Enabled - Hundreds of bug fixes since last release - VoiceChat Custom Control Panel - Custom design provides for an all-in-one startup/management tool Simple Account Registration WebPage - Allows users to easily create an account - Allows users to easily check the server status Download: http://panex-gaming.com/downloads/Panex%20Public%206.2%20RELEASE.exe Mirror1: http://www.mediafire.com/?2hj9y5sxdk9 Mirror2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJARPK7C Install guide: Launch the Panex Public 6.2 RELEASE.exe and install )Once installed you must go to C:\PanexPublic\maps folder (maybe other path) and copy ad.exe to your wow main directory, then create a maps directory in wow main folder, execute ad.exe and wait till it finish, will take a while. once done copy the folder maps over the one in C:\PublicPAnex folder it will ask you to overwrite say yes.Now launch the Padex Control Panel from desktop, launch Mysql first, then make a shortcut of logonserver.exe fron PadexPublic folder to desktop(Cause control panel of Padex don't have it) launch from Padex Control Panel, Ascent, then logonserver.exe and if you want apache for the website. Login: panex pass: admin Enjoy ! Credits to Panex-gaming.com This is WoW 1.2.3 Serverpack by Sector-X version 1.6.4 changelog: + Support for client 2.1.3 added + Correct Tier 6 ArmorSets added + Items from 2.1.3 added. + Core 4124 + Patchs + ScriptDev 77 + Silvermoon Database Rev. 11 + Custom SDB Fixes + Apache 2 added + PHP 5 added + Mangosweb Rev. 42 added + New MIW Tool + New MangosUpdate + New Mangos Backup + New Mangos Account Cleaner + Bugs fixed + Many important changes in core + Skill ID list included + GM Commands included + maps included + dbc 2.1.3 (english version) included + MySQL + Sylog + NoIP Install Guide 1 - Uncompress the rar files 2 - Execute setup.exe and click in next next next... 3 - After installation, a MIW - Mangos Internet Wizzard will be shown. Click in install button and answer the questions. 4 - A Form will be opened to you supply MySQL settings, like: username, password and MySQL Bin installation folder. Ex: C:\Program Files\MySQL\Mysql Server 5.0\Bin. Very important supply the correct settings or the installation will fail. 5 - Enjoy Download Links (They all work) http://filebeam.com/37680cb3959321de202d03c5d14212d1 http://filebeam.com/00c9024263348bdea0874300827d6197 http://filebeam.com/7a7b05a1a67846ad3174d2355bd47242 http://filebeam.com/98e4832755b5645bf96d45c590409e43 http://filebeam.com/e6520ef12b99daf9657823b0433e8e46 http://filebeam.com/dc53c9d1f5b4903421e5f6df0e04ba29 http://filebeam.com/61631e0f0e7a046a0a2a6c86e854ce8d http://filebeam.com/6361541ea688d722f8616727f603f0b6 http://filebeam.com/c41ce4ccc1e3dd725ca4f0808c906853 http://rapidshare.com/files/49190412/setup.part10.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/49185693/setup.part11.rar.html http://filebeam.com/aea553051397c33f45b065ce8d86fd27 After installing the pack, download those 2 updates , run them by order Repack Update 1 --> http://filebeam.com/ef891836a14b9f8c4c8d8d1d9ff4e7ce Changelog of update 1: Core 4141 added (check mangos changelog) - Many important changes in the core - ScriptDev2 Rev 78 added. - Many bugs fixed in core - Important features added to core. - Breath Patch - Some SDB Fixes - Fix Apache and PHP bug - Scripts changes added. - New mangos update Repack Update 2 --> http://filebeam.com/48faf35b5966b66a228ad8bbeb41effd Changelog of update 2: - Core 4169 added (check mangos changelog) - Many important changes in the core - ScriptDev2 Rev 88 added. - Many bugs fixed in core - Important features added to core. - Breath Patch - New Launcher - New MangosWeb - Scripts changes added. - New Items from 2.1.3 - Fixed mobs in Black Temple - Fixed Elite creatures from Outlands - Fixed many items - Added many new items from 2.1.3 - Fixed some area tiggers - Fixed some loot templates by me (Sector-X) - Fixed some quests - Fixed Tools by me (Sector-X) GM Commands are included inside the pack see in C:\Program Files\X-Repack Folder This is not my Work im just sharing it, if you need support i can help on installing and server management :-) Thanks Sector-X for this great repack ! [bIG UPDATE] WoW X-Repack 2.0.1 Final Features: What's new? + Core 4324 added + Fixed Tier 5 stats + Fixed Tier 6 stats + Database option added + Project Silvermoon Rev. 12 added (lot of fixes, not only by sector-x, but also the some changes done in rev. 13 and 14. + SDB 206 added. + Huge DB Fixes + Fixed Illidan loot template + MangosWeb Rev. 164 added + Fixed many quests + ScriptDev 107 added + Apache 2 + SQLyog Community Edition + No-IP + Lava Damage Patch (made by sector-x, without problems) + New Launcher + X-Repack Mangos src included + X-Repack ScriptDev src included + New MIW Tool + New MangosUpdate + New Mangos Backup + New Mangos Account Cleaner + New Restarter + New Launcher + DBC files for 2.13 + maps files + 3 Events added to new event game system (full working) and much more... Download files here listed on this folder at Filebeam Credits to Sector-X for this great repack once again , you rock !
  20. lol de proseksa imerominia, otan vlepw kapion na exei prob prospathw na voithisw ... kaika :P
  21. xmmm oso kai na dokimasa na dw an mou kanei to idio lathos me sena, den simvainei kati tetoio. Egw tous vazw eite manual stin DB sto Heroes kai mia xara menoun kai ta opla, an twra den tous valw stin DB kai kanoun olympiad kanonika apla otan den einai pia hero to oplo to exei ala de mporei na to foresei . einai kalitero na exeis tin rithmisi StrictHeroSystem = True aliws mamietai to game pistevw, proswpiki mou apopsi vevaia ala anyway good luck :D
  22. and please give me some hot party womans too , ty ;-) omg man try to learn how things are going don't wait always for others to do it for you, with no offense
  23. lol i entered the website and they say that project is over, good luck guys :P
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