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Everything posted by Thanos123

  1. One more nice share from you!Sticky! Edit:Title fixed it is tutorial not toutorial :P ;D
  2. Great job mate!Sticky that please!Also +1 from me for the idea to post something like that!
  3. You are lol cause you are modifing a laptop!Hahahahah :P Buy a desktop ;D
  4. Eh nai eistai kai oi 2 friend...Exete kai oi 2 sostes apopsis!Katarxas to atk speed se human archer dn xreiazete.Ama 8es atk speed ftiaxe elf.O human exei allo gamestyle!Episis min leme tora 1200 atk speed se official p einai ola opos prepi na einai oxi bugged server l2j kai istories einai senario epistimonikis fandasias! Also 8a diafonisw sta dyes!Enas HE xreiazete str + con kai -dex.Panda milame gia official se pvp server einai endelos diaforetika ta pragmata. :)
  5. Kata tin gnomi m ama dn figi o bardinogiannis to podosfairo einai xameni ypo8esi...Basket asto dn pianomaste. :P
  6. Opa re kake ;D Sry alla dn mporousa na krati8w (A)
  7. -1 Epidi spammaris ek promeletis.To eipes kai monos sou.An sinexisis...Ban is near.
  8. Opa opa katse re c blane otan enois anonimi...Dld i karta sou pano dn leei to onoma sou?I tou patera sou esto kapio onoma p einai i karta...
  9. Dn mporw na katalavw ki egw tin idia exw...Name kai tetia vazis oti exei pano i karta.Tsekare an vazis sosta ton 16apsifio ari8mo kai ton 3psifio p to zitaei ki ayton.(Einai stin piso meria tis kartas)Episis tsekare tin imerominia liksis tis kartas.Na einai ola correct :P Edit:Ola ta grafis se agglika etc?
  10. Ki egw tin idia exw :P Apo trapeza kyprou.Dn einai tpt diskolo san pistotiki karta tin kanis add. My account > Profile > Add or Edit Credit Card > Add Card Simplirose ta stoixia tis kartas sou kai ama kolisis kapou edo eimaste. :)
  11. Aplo.Ta laptop dn einai gia games.An 8es ena pc aplos gia na mpenis internet na grafis word kai genika elafries douleies pare laptop.Ama 8es gia games pare desktop... Also p les gi ayto to wirless internet tis vodafone.Enas filos m exei tis Wind kai prepi na vgeni stin avli tou gia na piasi sima.Den 3erw an einai mono o filos mou alla genikos pezonde polla me to sima dn einai sta8ero.
  12. Ama vris ekdosi tou warcraft h tou lineage h opoia ypostirizete apo x64 litourgiko nai mporis na pexis.Se windows server dn nomizw epidi to leei kai ka8ara...einai mono server.
  13. Windows server 2003/2008 ypostirizoun 8gb Windows Xp & Vista x32(8a ta vris kai os x86)upostirizoun 3.5 gb Windows Xp & Vista x64 upostirizoun 8gb
  14. Nai ok alla kando delete gt ama arxisi o ka8enas na vazi sin8imata p na vrizoun manades spitia kai gipeda 8a to klisoume to magazi.
  15. Θα βοηθούσε να έλεγες το όνομα του server στον οποιο παίζει ο φίλος σου.
  16. Χρονια πολλά παίδες!
  17. If you know so much about computers as you say you will propably know that even a computer with a 2x 9800 gx2 it will not need 1kw power even you overclock them.Only hipro5 and Shamino need such a PSU. Also 1kw with 100 euros?It will propably be the thermaltake one.It is a good psu huh?Yeah ofc it is thermaltake.LOL.If i would spent 3k euros for a pc that need 1kw psu you thing some1 would cut money from the psu?If you want a 1kw psu take an enermax or silverstone.These are quality PSU.Not thermaltake aka chinese... Anyway its a waste of time to talk with you.Tnx for the information "Guru" wulfgar... I will not reply again it dosent needed to start a flame war.
  18. 1kW PSU? :o Ah yes i forgot i need to add an air condition to my computer and one refrigerator.lol... Go here an see the consuming of the system that i made and then talk. http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculator.jsp
  19. Thanos123


    :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D :) :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D :) :) :) ;D ;D :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D :) :) ;D :) :) ;D :) :) ;D
  20. 150 ppl...Hah that need a lot of money to spend :P Buy like...300-400 beers and 5-6 5L Heineken's About vodka...Buy like 30 absolut vodka and some lemon/orange juice Also buy some Usrus.15-20 bottles. For food buy something that it is easy to eat.Like club sandwitch,chicken bites,chips etc etc OFC you have to make a bar.Pay 5 people to server the others cause it is going to be a mess with 150 ppl. Gl and happy birthday! :)
  21. Intel E6750 2.66 Kingston 4gb PC2-8500 1066 Nvidia 8800 Gts 512 Gigabyte P35-DQ6 Samsung 24" ;D Wtf? ;D 1.5gb memory? Oo How much 3dmarks you have with this card? ;D (3dmark06)
  22. Windows Vista x86 (aka x32) Supports up to 3.5 gb ram.If you buy Widows Vista x64 you will be able to see up to 8gb ram.But Vista x64 dosent supports all programs that x32 does... So...If you buy 4gb ram with WV x32 you will be able to see up to 3.5gb ram.In bios you will see 4gb but the windows will use 3.5. Edit:Yes it supports your motherboard.
  23. Ok... Look this: This case is Midi ATX but it is ok for me :P I personaly recommend it. Edit:Ehhh as i see you want 4gb ram?
  24. Ok let me see...With 900 euro you want a complete computer?Tower/Keyboard & Mouse/Sound System and Monitor?Or just the tower? If you want a full computer set with 900 euro you better buy a ready solution...What i mean...E.x Multirama Gamer etc etc. If you want just the tower ok you can have something medium.
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