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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Ma8e na xrisimopoieis ston swsto xrono ta legomena s... Eseis ? Epeidi evala to project tous sto site m dn simainei oti simmetexw. Tous dinw apla tn eukairia na anaptiksoun to game k na to diafimisoun me kapio tropo epeidi dn exoun domain!.. K btw allo na ftiakseis monos s game OPWS AUTOI ekanan k allo na xrimatodotiseis kapia etaria gia na ftiakseis Online game. Esy eisai sto allo akro. Btw perimenw... na dw.. xa0xa
  2. K egw exw 300 E Vevaiws m proteine h NCsOFT na kanw sinergasia mazi tous gia na ftiaksoume to l3 alla dn kserw eimai se dilima gt me zitaei k h EA sports gia to mellontiko Fifa 2011 p 8a einai eikonikis pragmatikotitas... Gia auto k egw s lew vges apo tn eikoniki pragmatikotita p eisai =D (Ektos an kerdises to tzoker)
  3. k First banned. (Removed spamming posts.) Second spamming posts removed. Third (Nonthing at all)
  4. BANNED for
  5. They will be added ;) thnx for ur idea ^_*
  6. Already done dunno from who! banned , posts removeD! locked
  7. posts removed. locked.
  8. I cant see spamming. It's a kind of fun topic. Cave ? U give me a topic with 10 pages and how the hell i will found caVe ^^ Learn to give direct links of spammers. Btw thnx is allowed at topics if u can see the first post (It's not hided)
  9. K4rMa


    We cant see it except maxtor. So Pm h1m. locked.
  10. K4rMa


    k.. These topics full cleaned. About the userS with their spamming posts. some user banned some not. Thanks for ur reports. locked.
  11. He is inactive at posting. But yes he had some spamming posts. Removed... if he spam again report him and i will warn/ban h1m. thanks locked
  12. Meta apo auto ta panta! Re ka8iste kala stis karekles sas k afiste ta oneira :P . . . Dn ginete auto p les... iremise :P K anoikse kanan server.
  13. K4rMa


    yeap guys .. this was posted many times. Search before u post. PS: Maybe it was at spam section.. but we dont repeat the same threads :// locked.
  14. +1 :P Whatever.. they are cool anyway !
  15. probably removed... because i cant see nonthing :P anyway ty locked
  16. Mpa dn exei tis markes p 9elw.. Kana allo site gnwsto aneksartitos elliniko h oxi p na exei agorasei kapoios ? (K na einai af8entika)
  17. R paidia r paidia.. mn lete oti akoute apo tous guro sas k tous goneis sas. Ntax... k h koutsi maria m exei apopsi gia tis ekloges k leei tn akuri apopsi t... stn ousia metaferete auta p akoute apo tous allous. Egw to lew ka8ara dn asxoloumai k oute prokeite... k idiaitera na paw na panigirisw kiolas lol k na to parw k sovara k na exw agonia. Anyway , apo oti vlepw st mxc community egw vgika pro8ipourgos ^^ I will do my best. reMain loCkeD
  18. gia agores rouxwn
  19. Kana elliniko site kserete re paideS ? Thelw suntomi apantisi !
  20. Pio akriva ? k...
  21. Ox feugw mprosta me diafora... Uposxome perisoteres PvP arenes , perisotera kosmika events :P
  22. yeaP ekei guro keimenontai oi times!!!!! :S
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