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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Take it ;) http://rapidshare.com/files/79809801/env.int.html
  2. Custom Epic armor !
  3. I enchant with normal scrolls weapon S Rate is 80 % to succeed 20 % to broke !
  4. you have to reply not a bastard!
  5. Oraio to guide... 8) Gratz gia tin douleia sou kai gratz gia to "karma point" ;)
  6. Part 1 fwvtREuu6yo Part 2 J0TlZpgaEZ4 Part 3 V35w3Lz7d4Y Enjoy ppl !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  7. What is your problem ?? GameGuard ?? or it says a hacking tool.. mpla mpla.. ??
  8. Total time logged in: 20 days, 2 hours and 43 minutes.
  9. Pfff u are off topic ... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12808.0;topicseen Next time search in order to dont go offtopic again !
  10. You are really off topic my friend... Btw look this thread... and you will found your serial... 100 % http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14038.0
  11. Thanks working 100 %
  12. Lets see.... edit: Yeah this is an easy way to play CS.. but it isn't warEZz ?
  13. Xronia...... Polla...... :P
  14. MEERY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.280676.com/uploads/Merry_Christmas.jpg[/img]
  15. Off course it says is a virus because "hlapex" it is a hacking program ... It is show up as infected but really isn't... Ignore it and use it... Btw if u find a server that works take me a call ;)
  16. http://rapidshare.com/files/78836882/Hlapex.rar.html
  17. You are all welcome !! ;)
  18. Ty gia ta kala sou comments.. Btw 8a sou luso tin aporia otan pao spiti gt tora eimai sta net kai dn kserw kai ego kala to programa to exw katevasei.. alla... dn to 8umamai ;p
  19. .... * Share your cheats! Become an "Uploader" From now on, everyone who shares cheats,exploits, or any kind of usefull information, will be promoted to "Uploader" * What is an "Uploader"? Uploaders can hide/unhide any topic,can view moderators hidden section, also they have the same permissions as a Donator Member ,and finally they have really good reputation in our forum! Its a really good start for them to become future Maxcheater Moderators! * Moderators and Global Moderators pm me with nicknames you think they deserve to be "Uploaders" http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14027.0 ...
  20. http://lineage3.wordpress.com/ Maybe who knows ! ...
  21. If you want the crack to use this software 4 ever pm me ;) Btw nice share !
  22. Only 1 days, 10 hours, 50 minutes, 21 seconds left until Christmas!
  23. Efaga idi ego -1 min anisixeis ;)
  24. Auto leo kai ego auta pou grafeis pio pano einai oi idies @@ries pou grafeis pantou... Dld oti na nai... Tespa ena lock gt ta @@ mas exoun fouskosei........... Kai btw auto me to IQ kopsto ligo... ema8es mia leksi ok iremise... Kai oso gia ta xristougena kai ego sou euxomai na peraseis ta psixologika sou mazi mou kai na sou fygei auti h emoni...
  25. 8es na sou pw pos arxise ? :S Dn uparxei oute arxi oute telos... me to nazghoul dn eixame malosei pote.... Ola arxisan apo edw.... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14297.0 Giati omws to ekane auto ? ego ti ton peiraksa ? :S Oute mod einai oute gold gia na krinei an prepei na kanw polla topics kai ti periexoun mesa... Nomizo oi mod einai active kai vlepoun ti ginete opote mporousan na me kanoun kapio warning h akoma kai na me kanoun -1... Ego dn eftaiga ti na po.... Meta to pragma sinexistike me ton thanos123 ekana ena topic me name "How did u fing mxC " Dld apo to google ?? apo kapoion filo ? Kai me leei oti glifo .. me auto to topic pou ekana... Kai egine fasaria oxi me ton nazghoul me ton thano123 kai eipa oti dn 8a ksanaer8o forum ... Alla apofasisa na meino epeidi goustaro na vlepw ti ginete :P Kai vlepw ex8es ton nazghoul sto signature tou na exei autin tin mlkia kai me peirakse.... Etsi loipon arxisan ola ... :S Me liga logia gia malakies kai mono ... gia anirpaktous logous... Tespa dn aksizei na asxoli8o allo... Aston na koroideuei dn peirazei...... Lock an 8es..... h ama 8es aston na doume pou 8a paei...
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