1. Change the fucked up rules. We ban members or -1 karma them because they say thnx ?
That's why we call it FORUM... It is a community. How else to raise up their postS? come on ppl feel what is the meaning of the forum.
Here to post spammers.
I cant say to a topiC?
"Thanks very much" Why ?
2. About the locking topiCs {shares} that passed 4-5 months.. Why to lock them ? ;@
If we continue this sick thing all of our database will go to the junks.
3.About the moves i dont have to add something.. JUST DONT MOVE THREADS TO JUNK.
4.We must make a little refresh to our mXc team. Kick all of inactive and uselles... mods, golds.. mpla mpla...
5.Lets refresh the forum with making some new categories for new games eTc.... like san andreas and others...
6. Lets clear all the sections from the begin ~~> last page.
7. Lets delete all the move~~> re-directions.