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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. 1rst warning gia undigging. lockeD.
  2. a0xxa00xaax0x0a0ax I prefer my face and clotheS :P ROFL AT MAFIA_007 FACE. :D :D :D :D GR: Ti einai autoC o karnavalos 0ax0xa0 egw dn ntinomai etC... Btw se sugkrisi me olous tous allous eimai top model 0xa0a :D
  3. Most Popular User : K4rMaArr0ws (Best known archer xD ^_^ 0ax0x ) Most Funny User : :@ Most Professional User : Blane Most Missed User : Koyfo Most Wierd User : mpj123 Best Shares User : Me again. oO wtF :P Best New User [From 2008] : Anubis Biggest Spammer User : Strike ALLIG4T0R The Best G.Mod : NobLe The Best L2 Mod : :@ The Best CS Mod : :@ The Best Gold Member : Mafia_007
  4. Not realeased yet. But until end of 2008 it will be out.
  5. Banned 2 timeS ^^ ^^
  6. Prwton dn einai bug. Ara la8os sectioN. Deuteron mporei kapoies fores na spasei to ena k na ginei to allo auto dn simainei oti dinei perisoteres pi8anotites.. ksipnate ;/ Triton to exoun ksanagrapsei post poses fores :@ locked.
  7. Psakse st forum. Episis la8os section. 1rst warning. locked.
  8. 1rst warning for undigging a topic from 2006. locked.
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33620.0
  10. Eipame gmt oxi akura posts k flame. Btw 8umisou kalutera. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33770 Poses fores eixes kanei post se la8os section ? 8umasai h exases tn logariasmo ? gtp mas les k 8es na mn s kanw k -1 .. Btw ti eipes ? Dn leme... ?? Se ka8e section leme ta rules.. an esy mpeneis opou na nai k patas new topiC dn s ftaime emeis. 8a zitisw tn noble na ta svisei k ta 2 reply. Oti allo 8es pm. h parapona sou se gl mod.. pata to koumpaki "report to moderator"
  11. http://www.hi5-codes.com/ http://www.doobix.com/codes/hi5/
  12. MY OPINION DONT FLAM ME. 1. Change the fucked up rules. We ban members or -1 karma them because they say thnx ? That's why we call it FORUM... It is a community. How else to raise up their postS? come on ppl feel what is the meaning of the forum. Here to post spammers. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17679.0 I cant say to a topiC? "Thanks very much" Why ? Anyway... 2. About the locking topiCs {shares} that passed 4-5 months.. Why to lock them ? ;@ If we continue this sick thing all of our database will go to the junks. 3.About the moves i dont have to add something.. JUST DONT MOVE THREADS TO JUNK. 4.We must make a little refresh to our mXc team. Kick all of inactive and uselles... mods, golds.. mpla mpla... 5.Lets refresh the forum with making some new categories for new games eTc.... like san andreas and others... 6. Lets clear all the sections from the begin ~~> last page. 7. Lets delete all the move~~> re-directions. cu.
  13. Nai pisteuw" o allos mpampis".. einai paranomo :P 0xa0ax Alla ntax exeis dikio.... na mn vazoume tragoudia pou einai apo cd apo diskografikes etairies.. Twra an psaxnete kana live ntax ginete na valoume gt dn einai paranoma.. einai hxografiseis k ta pio polla apo auta eiNai akukloforita. K mixakia mporoume episis dika mas h apo dj's .. alla oxi official mix.
  14. Nice but keep it updated. Wraios ::)
  15. Toulaxiston kane edit to topiC title k to prwto post ^^ K vale k ena tag (GR) gt milame ellinika :P Btw to tragoudi 40 %.. gamw to upload speed m apla.
  16. http://rapidshare.com/files/152915226/Stereo_Mike_-_O_allos_Mpampis.mp3.html
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36047 locked.
  18. Ainteee vendeta radiooo trelaaaaaa trelaaaaaa :P Mporei k s ligo kairo ekmpompi apo "tzitzo" Mono gia ta kapsouria tou forum. Tha sas trelanw reii tarzaniarideSss :-*
  19. -1 karma for undiging. locked.
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22869.0
  21. Only maxtor knows when ^^ He can seLL the domain anytime ^_^
  22. kkkkk problem solveD topiC LoCkED :P Try to be good member and u will be reward after some days/moths/years ^_^ as a gold member. Or just buy a donate acc. aha
  23. http://www.giftube.com/
  24. oxi double posts. deutero warning... sto trito exeis dwro -1 karma.
  25. 4) Prwto warning gia spam. locked.
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