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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Lpn.. 1oN prwtou kaneis reply vlepeis imerominia... dn mporeis na apantas se ena topiC apo to 2005 k to 2006... Ama exeis provlima kane new topiC.. etC eimaste emeis edw se auto to forum. 2oN emena kolozwo 8a m milas kala gt dn s evrisa ... Ante mn s arxisw ta gamostavridia k psaxnese saura. Katse kala... opws se sevomai egw 8a me sevesai k esy 3oN k teleutaiOn tn exw dei gamias edw mesa etC leS ? Egw tn douleia m kanw aN esy eisai 10 xronon k dn kses na xrisimopoieis forum egw dn s ftaiw. Trava diavase mia rules gt dn 8a ta pame kala. -1 karma.. Btw pios to ekane unloCk ??? :@ Grrrrr LOCKED AGAIN.
  2. 1rst warning for undigging. locked.
  3. All your posts transferned to first post. Be carefull double post is prophited at this forum. 1rst warNing. thanks...
  5. Dn 8a to lega game. http://rapidshare.com/files/67288470/cc.rar
  6. K4rMa

    Spamm Game

  7. ty ty ty for good commentS :P I want to say that in the rar file there are more tools. 8)
  8. 1rst warning for spamming.
  9. LOL i confusED :P I wanted to say.... GratZ Anyway who caREs ;D
  10. welcome anubis aka grisOm :P
  11. K4rMa

    Hello :D

  12. Good idea NS. I am waiting to get the CUP ^^
  13. You think that you can play with me ? You posted at l2 general discussion. Pr00f. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36748.0 Also your topiC tittle was "LOOK" Proof.. Look your first post. « Last Edit: Today at 05:35:54 PM by K4rMaArr0ws » Dont make me to ban you. Because u have already -2 karma.
  14. First and last warning for posting to wrong sectioN. Moved to right sectioN. Also topiC tittle edited.
  15. No... auto einai gif eikona k tn ekana me allo programa.
  16. P-H-O-T-O-S-H-O-P
  17. Admin Account: ID:maxcheaters PSWD:admin
  18. Hello and welcome to my t00ls collectioN ... :P I will share some tools that are very usefull to single player and make your life easier and more funny. I wanted to make this collection earlier but i was really boreD , but now i found some free time and here it iS :P Hope it wiLL help the gta maniaCS ^_^ Make gta graphics almost like gta Iv. Car spawner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRfhG3VTNf4&feature=related It is a car spawner that you can spawn any car at any place. Gta Code creator With this tool you can create new spawn places. GGMM (Gta Garage Mod Manager) GTA-SA-GarageEdit-0.2 Edit your cars from the garage. Gta HELPER Find all the secret items in the map. http://i35.tinypic.com/o9k2u1.jpg[/img] Map teleporter: Teleport anywhere in the map. Gta Handling Editor http://i38.tinypic.com/27xidjn.jpg[/img] Make your car fast as hell.. or make it to climb the walls or whateveR :P Gta CaM HacK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JajrggJ8_B8 Change the common camera viewS :P Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/155495445/Gta_san_andreas_downloads.rar.html Pass: www.maxcheaters.com
  19. Webm0nster & Gropacas.
  20. +1 karma not only for this share ^^ ... Keep up the g00d worK ;)
  21. TopiC tittle edited. Next time read section rules. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35638.0 thanks.
  22. Search before postinG. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15602.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2557 locked.
  23. Yper ennoeitai.... etC einai... EIMASTE ELLINES.. einai e8imo mas... an ta kopsoume k auta ti 8a meinei..... K oso gia to mixanika k tupika... proxoraei h texnologia allazoun k ta e8ima... an k dn allakse k tpt... Apla einai pio skinika stimena... An k variemai na paw sxedon ka8e fora na parelazw... dn eimai kata k 8ewrw oti dn prepei na stamatisei pote.
  24. 2nd warning. >.> undigging. LoCkeD.
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