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Posts posted by LightFusion

  1. //early version submitted by Allen (L2Sexi Server)
    FS = "\t";
    RECCNT = -1;
    	UNICODE character;
    	UNICODE anim_lista[900];
    	UNICODE anim_listb[900];
    	UNICODE anim_listc[900];
    	UNICODE anim_listd[467];
    	FLOAT UNK1[317];
    	UINT UNK2[158];

    Looking for ddf files that are used for converting decrypted .dat files in readable form, especialy PawnAnim.dat . Last one from GOD Demensions, are not working anymore with Odyssey last system.


    Or looking for someone who can explain how to retrive this data from ENGINE.dll Dump, what address it  has ?

  2. Hello guys...

    I would like to know if it's possible to change the render engine of a High Five client...

    I tried with OpenGL and a custom downloaded engine D3D9 but everything else I try to put, it gives me an error like Object "Class D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice not found"

    Well this section/Forum - is not the right place to ask these kind of question, most people here dont even know how to use l2file edit tools, not even thinking how to hook some devices.

    Better look elsewhere

  3. Hi, does anyone know how to encode .u file? For example from L2Ava / L2Tales / L2Cartel files? Which program do they use to ENCODE the .u files (to be ready for use). Thanks!

    they use smartcrype from mumu, unless you know how to decode it, or how to get it from memmory - you cant do anything.

  4. i just want to replace the logo for example and place my own logo (i already did this for the login screen the upper logo) but didn't checked about that one

    well you can do this if your logo is 2D texture, if you want 3D letters just adding textures wont be enough ;) thats logic ! you cant get same effect as i made on first image(on topic starter post).

  5. that's good


    if someone is player and he only wants to play on a server and that's all, he will never vote on mxc topsite

    the most members don't even post on servers forums, imagine here


    also you need to find a way to protect multiple votes by restarting router (ofc server will need this protection too)

    About multi voting, its acctualy easy part, maxcheaters top, send check on the advertesed server database(or even on some cloud, that represent database, its mirror) upon the account/user with additional credentials(ip/address, Hwid, maybe something more) and if he allrdy voted, the would be enough, as he wouldn't be able to vote from other ip, to get bonus for his account/player. Ofc that still dont fix the problem of overvoting the server itself, but its fixible.

  6. well yup, you're right on this.

    this is so much work, but i really like your idea!

    We have so many coders,designers here if someone did one thing, someone else another thing and so on it won't be that hard, even with a 2 minutes work from someone will be help

    Its kind'a secret =) but maxtor allrdy ordered to start working on that, so there is couple of design features, but we have to test all of this in coding way, on local server, and to maintain work there.

    The whole idea of this top is to make new reliable standarts of advertising servers, so it would require a lot of time, in plus from admins it would require additional info, not like now(with little info, some screenshots, and thats all).




    Top site section, would be an outgoing section, it would be like store section, so for new users(acctualy players from the server) it might not even need to create account on maxcheaters, but only create account on top section itself(maybe even not) because it would might be enough to get ip/HWID(if the module wouldn't be on IPB) and just work out with that data.

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