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Posts posted by LightFusion




    My protection tool is a game client extension that allows to encrypt game files with custom encryption key.

    The purpose of this product is to provide best protection for your files from being modefiend and used by others.
    Protected files are guaranteed from being modefied or viewed. Will work for both, server owners and mod-makers.
    • Supports 111, 121 and 413 Lineage II encryption algorithms
    • Works for any chronicle of Lineage II
    • It not based on SmartCrypt or LameCrypter
    • 120 euro
    • PayPal
    • Skrill
    • International bank transfer
    • Skype: mrave20
    • Private Message


    Take care,


    give us example of what you sell - 1 crypted file that would work with l2 - to prove for sellers that is not lamecrypt or smart .



    May i wonder who is author ?

  2. Greetings everyone! 


    I've been browsing around the forums, read a bunch of useful topic about Texture editing and worked.


    The thing that I've been wondering is whether we can open .unr files in UE4 or not. I haven't been able to find something like that so far. The only topic that I've read about map editing is an Ued one here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/177851-giran-green-fairy-v11-small-tutorial/  and for some reason I can't get it working, and I'm not fluent in Russian to understand the instructions correctly.


    Is there anyone who was able to edit an Interlude client with any of the unreal editors directly? and if so, which version and where to download it? Cause I have 2, 4 and UDK only. 


    Thanks in advance!

    Ofc you can ofc - go open.

  3. No. This file works with lameguard servers. For some reason lameguard devs made additional (unused) dlls with name entry.dll and afaik l2ui.dll which could be just placed and loaded by lame. L2stars used lameguard for ages and thats why it auto loads.

    This file is mostly used to decrypt custom cryption that gitao made for .u .ukx .usx .dat etc files...

  4. @LightFusion


    If you make a formula to calculate the correct speed and angle of the camera based on the 2 players' position (and maybe attack speed) it can work fine. It would be nice to pre-calculate if it will be a killing shot and if it is then play the effect.


    This would be nice to see at bosses, for example the killing blow for baium, how sick would that be ;p All the attackers could watch that when he dies.

    As i said before, it can be done without calculating player & target player. Thats just a part client + server related. From server you just need to trigger it, or say to Client that for this Player his arrow is bTrackingCamera; 

    Or something in that way 

  5. IF 3rd slot isnt supported all you have to do is remake the model manualy - exporting by umodel, and packing up with UT2004 patched, if you dont know how to do & if you dont have time - you can go for market section for this, 7-10$ and you will have this.

  6. http://prntscr.com/99pqtu i would like to fix the wings from the man..

    Xm these are not wings, this is complete model, like npc or any monster, as dev mentioned, if you want to change it you might look up in transformation.grp or something like that, for id that correspond to id inside npcgrp.dat, to find what it use npcname -> look for coincidence of word kamael, fly form  or kind'a like that, - next change it to wethever id you want.

    If thats not the case and all you want is to fix that issue on picture, then i suggest just to use npcgrp from retail, or find again id /||\ and replace it by retail string, thats all.

  7. Hello to all...i would like to ask where is the wings located for the kamaels? Animations or Systextures..?? Thanks in advice..

    Its located in the same file as Kamael mesh itself, but has a prefix like _f_wing or m_wing something like that.


    btw PawnAnimData structure on Helios is like this

    if we can define new data type


    MAT3 {
     INT cnt0;
      INT Id;
      INT Lv;
      UNICODE anim_lista;
     } mats3[cnt0];
    MAT4 {
     CNTR cnt1; // UCHAR cnt1;if(cnt1>0x40){UCHAR extra;}
      INT num1;
      INT num2;
      INT num3;
     } mats4[cnt1];
    MAT5 {
     UCHAR cnt2;
      INT num4;
      INT num5;
      INT num6;
     } mats5[cnt2];
    MAT6 {
     UCHAR cnt3;
      INT num7;
      INT num8;
      FLOAT num9;
     } mats6[cnt3];
    UNICODE character;
     MAT3 mat3;
     MAT4 mat4;
     MAT5 mat5;
     MAT6 mat6;


    can you contact me?

  9. SM ExStartScenePlayer


    1	sc_lindvior
    2	sc_echmus_opening
    3	sc_echmus_success
    4	sc_echmus_fail
    5	sc_boss_tiat_opening
    6	sc_boss_tiat_ending_succes
    7	sc_boss_tiat_ending_fail
    8	ssq_suspicious_deaths
    9	ssq_dying_massage
    10	ssq_contract_of_mammon
    11	ssq_ritual_of_priest
    12	ssq_sealing_emperor_1st
    13	ssq_sealing_emperor_2nd
    14	ssq_embryo
    15	sc_boss_freya_opening
    16	sc_boss_freya_phasech_a
    17	sc_boss_freya_phasech_b
    18	sc_boss_kegor_intrusion
    19	sc_boss_freya_ending_a
    20	sc_boss_freya_ending_b
    21	sc_boss_freya_forced_defeat
    22	sc_boss_freya_defeat
    23	sc_ice_heavyknight_spawn
    24	ssq2_holy_burial_ground_opening
    25	ssq2_holy_burial_ground_closing
    26	ssq2_solina_tomb_opening
    27	ssq2_solina_tomb_closing
    28	ssq2_elyss_narration
    29	ssq2_boss_opening
    30	ssq2_boss_closing
    31	sc_istina_opening
    32	sc_istina_ending_a
    33	sc_istina_ending_b
    34	sc_istina_bridge
    35	sc_octabis_opening
    36	sc_octabis_phasech_a
    37	sc_octabis_phasech_b
    38	sc_octabis_ending
    42	sc_gd1_prologue
    43	sc_talking_island_boss_opening
    44	sc_talking_island_boss_ending
    45	sc_awakening_opening
    46	sc_awakening_boss_opening
    47	sc_awakening_boss_ending_a
    48	sc_awakening_boss_ending_b
    49	sc_earthworm_ending
    50	sc_spacia_opening
    51	sc_spacia_a
    52	sc_spacia_b
    53	sc_spacia_c
    54	sc_spacia_ending
    55	sc_awakening_view
    56	sc_awakening_opening_c
    57	sc_awakening_opening_d
    58	sc_awakening_opening_e
    59	sc_awakening_opening_f
    69	sc_tauti_opening_b
    70	sc_tauti_opening
    71	sc_tauti_phase
    72	sc_tauti_ending
    73	sc_soulisland_quest
    74	sc_metucellar_opening
    75	sc_sub_quest
    76	sc_lind_opening
    77	sc_katacomb
    78	sc_necro
    79	sc_hellbound
    80	sc_honors
    81	sc_kelbim_opening
    99	sc_noble_opening
    100	sc_noble_ending
    101	si_illusion_01_que
    102	si_illusion_02_que
    103	si_illusion_03_que
    104	si_arkan_enter
    105	si_barlog_opening
    106	si_barlog_story
    107	si_illusion_04_que
    108	si_illusion_05_que
    109	sc_bloodvein_opening
    110	ert_quest_a
    111	ert_quest_b
    112	epic_freya_slide
    113	epic_kelbim_slide
    114	epic_tauti_slide
    115	epic_freya_scene
    116	epic_kelbim_scene
    117	epic_tauti_scene
    1000	land_kserth_a
    1001	land_kserth_b
    1002	land_undead_a
    1003	land_distruction_a
    1004	land_Annihilation_a
    2001	g_cartia_1_sin
    2002	g_cartia_2_sin

    Xm but how to call it from server ?

  10. None of the events are persistent, because there is absolutely 0 sense for them to be. A GM can simply create "//teleport x y" macro(s) for himself and then use "//eventmatch gm" to open the dialog and select to create a new event area on current location. That's why whenever you 'end' an event match, it disappears. Same happens on server restart.


    Plus, GM can use premade Race (event)/Command ini files.


    Race (event) ini defines the basic ruleset.

    Cmd files are kind of like macros. You may use one ini to spam announcements via this dialog, then another to use certain builder commands on participants (all at once), etc.

    Both ini files simply need to be somewhere on the GM's (the one that will run the game client) computer. As usual, if you don't want to type in the full (a.k.a. absolute) path, paths are expected to be relative to l2.exe (system folder).

    Xm thx for info, but what about weather info, are there some info on those packets ? And also there is this thing


    Called - movie player, Ncsoft used it to play freya movie, and other movies like those in SevenSignsQuest Event, can these packets be retrived ?

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