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Everything posted by manolescu5

  1. yo play on this server??
  2. well you;re into something since at human fighters at 720 oNLINE is just 4 people there and 2 of them are making recs.. damm ok gl hf with srv
  3. well mby they had some fake counter now i see its up to 620
  4. well 460 on after 5-10 min its quite good or im wrong ?
  5. well start was at 21:45 not 21:00 re-checks online on website its 430~ on 10 min but i cant get past selecting server you have been disconected.. and thats all
  6. awesome server go go
  7. nope its not l2net doesnt lie and the votes from hopzone aswell
  8. its ok bro i feel you english isnt my primary language aswell but what can i do not anyone can be born on usa or near it right we have to learn it :)
  9. daily votes 70-100... so cant be more than 150-250 on real
  10. i just know the guy from forums etc i never played with him / same server
  11. even achylek got friends,, :d thats real sad bro
  13. server its now live can 1 moderator move this to live servers? please and ty btw im not admin or anything i just help this server because i think it has potencial
  14. goo today opening 19:00 gmt+2
  15. horry shett :D awesome
  16. how's that working there? i heard u pwn every1 or u lose to russians?
  17. will u give it a try achylek?
  18. l2net works on every server to check online REAL number fail admin hahaha and u call yourself a god damm developer
  19. good server keep it up
  20. yea sure too bad l2net shows the real online
  21. 150-200 real online at best hours
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