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Everything posted by peacebrasil

  1. I wonder if anyone knows any breeder who sells designs MU Online.
  2. Estou interessado em comprar, me add no skype "peacebrasil"
  3. I am Selling my Full Website !!! this website is 100% me , and i sell only 3 copies. Interested please add my in skype "peacebrasil" or send me private mensenger.
  4. SERVER DOWN !!!
  5. Buy L2J server Using Neteller
  6. Buy L2J Website Using Neteller
  7. Search for website l2 interlude
  8. show me you server features info
  9. show me you freya, have test server ?
  10. I wonder if there is a pvp server freya active, because I've tried here are all off.
  11. Good guys!! after much work will open today!! - Redid Classes - Redid Skills - Server Back 22/04 13:00 GTM -3 - Event on 22/04 - 10 First Clan Leaders Will Win Clan LvL 8 + Aio 1 Week - First Clan With 20+ Online Will Win Aio 1 Month + Clan LvL 8 - Many people waiting Of all the countries including greece - Vote global - 300+ Downloads in the patch ! - Good Fun More Info: www.l2ageofwar.com
  12. Server AoW Back 22/04 -Global vote - Reworking Classes - Reworking Skills - Server Back 22/04 13:00 GTM -3 - Event on 22/04 - 10 First Clan Leaders Will Win Clan LvL 8 + Aio 1 Week - First Clan With 20+ Online Will Win Aio 1 Month + Clan LvL 8 - Many Players Waiting More Information-> www.l2ageofwar.com
  13. all problems solved ;) Server on 50++ and up :)
  14. server: * Rates - XP: 500 SP: 500 Adena: 2000 * Custons * Armor - Titanium * Weapon - Epic - Abyss * Accessories - Tattos Mage / Fighter * Enchant * Info - Safe +7 - Max +25 * Normal - Armor & Jwls 70% - Weapon 70% * Blessed - Armor & Jwls 80% - Weapon 85% So one can ** blessed through the tvt / boss / oly * Events (Every 2h) - TVT - CTF * Drop Areas - Abandoned Coal Mines (ACM-Easy) - Cave of Trials (CoT-Hard) * All Items are Craft * Olympiad Ends Every 15 Days PVP * Nick Color *International Server *Vote Global http://www.l2ageofwar.com/
  15. you are not required to enter and friend, now please do not flood in my topic
  16. http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=531 this rev is perfect !
  17. There l2 rev selling almost 100%? let me know if there is a link. freya or h5
  18. what is the difference between br server or us?, quality friend has no nationality.
  19. hardware: 4x Xeon X5650 2.66 GHz 10 GB DDR3 ECC 320 GB SAS 15k 1 Gbps Full Duplex Unlimited traffic A FIXED IP Control Panel * CLOUD DoS Protection Windows 2003/2008 > Server: * Rates - XP: 500 SP: 500 Adena: 2000 * Custons * Armor - Titanium * Weapon - Epic - Abyss * Accessories - Tattos Mage / Fighter * Enchant * Info - Safe +7 - Max +25 * Normal - Armor & Jwls 70% - Weapon 70% * Blessed - Armor & Jwls 80% - Weapon 85% So one can ** blessed through the tvt / boss / oly * Events (Every 2h) - TVT - CTF * Drop Areas - Abandoned Coal Mines (ACM-Easy) - Cave of Trials (CoT-Hard) * All Items Sao Craftaveis * Olympiad Ends Every 15 Days PVP * Nick Color * International Server - Good Fun -> www.l2ageofwar.com MSN: l2ageofwar@hotmail.com
  20. Nice Server Interlude: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=235475.0
  21. Nice Server Interlude: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=235475.0
  22. Nice Server Interlude: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=235475.0
  23. www.l2ageofwar.com
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